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Thread: Fastest web browser?

  1. #1

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    Fastest web browser?

    Which browser does everyone use?

    My experience: I've tried them all, and Internet Explorer 8 seems to be the fastest.

    Chrome seems to be the slowest of the lot (on my laptop anyway).

    Opera for me is a pain, still not properly compliant, same for Safari (Apple software ).

    Firefox comes a close second to IE, very customisable, but sometimes falls over. Having all those addons can sometimes send Firefox a bit lally.

    I'm not gonna bother with Maxothon, Flock or Avant, they are just variances of Firefox or Internet Explorer.

    So I keep coming back to IE8. Somehow having only one browser makes life much easier - one set of bookmarks, one set of browsing history, etc.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    IE8, and Opera as a backup, but it doesn't work with heavily coded sites, but the magic wand is very handy.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    Which browser does everyone use?

    My experience: I've tried them all, and Internet Explorer 8 seems to be the fastest.

    Chrome seems to be the slowest of the lot (on my laptop anyway).

    Opera for me is a pain, still not properly compliant, same for Safari (Apple software ).

    Firefox comes a close second to IE, very customisable, but sometimes falls over. Having all those addons can sometimes send Firefox a bit lally.

    I'm not gonna bother with Maxothon, Flock or Avant, they are just variances of Firefox or Internet Explorer.

    So I keep coming back to IE8. Somehow having only one browser makes life much easier - one set of bookmarks, one set of browsing history, etc.
    Hmmm, strange. Firefox always seems to work best for me, second only to google chrome. IE8 is a huge improvement on the previous versions but still has moments of slow down Since getting ths new laptop I have not installed safari, was never impressed with it's lack of support for the windows scroll mouse (which is every mouse now), plus I naturally use it instead of the side bar!

    So far I'm still better off with Firefox, I also do not like the IE makeover with buttons all over the address bar! I like stuff in the same area so it is all easy to navigate to

  4. #4
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    firefox all the way.

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    firefox all the way.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    trust you! i hear you prefer internet explorer 8" version

  7. #7
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    Chrome is almost instantaneous for me. I just don't even like the look of IE anymore. For me it would be Chrome, then Firefox, then IE lagging way behind

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    Which browser does everyone use?


    So I keep coming back to IE8. Somehow having only one browser makes life much easier - one set of bookmarks, one set of browsing history, etc.
    I prefer IE8 but right now I'm using Chrome most of the time as IE8 on this particular 64 bit system just can't bleeding remember any passwords for more than 5 minutes, still can't find out what's going on and I just don't have the time to figure it out anymore.

    This problem is not isolated to my machine at home I get it at work as well on a 32 bit system, absolute pain in the butt.


  9. #9
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    FireFox for me please - just installed the new version (3.5) and it really seems to do what they promised - much quicker than the older one and even more reliable.
    Otherwise using IE - just for certain pages and Safari on Apple - which I prefer over the IE.
    So it is FF, Safari, IE in this order...
    Jiri & Maricel

  10. #10
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    IE 8 for me

    the websites are getting bigger so we need faster boardband,as the boardband gets bigger the websites get bigger its all nonsense really,so all the software needs to get faster or we all shudder to a freezing halt
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    I prefer IE8 but right now I'm using Chrome most of the time as IE8 on this particular 64 bit system just can't bleeding remember any passwords for more than 5 minutes, still can't find out what's going on and I just don't have the time to figure it out anymore.

    This problem is not isolated to my machine at home I get it at work as well on a 32 bit system, absolute pain in the butt.

    You have to switch it ON in security! It is OFF by default reasons
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
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    I find Opera by far the quickest. it does have a few issues, granted, but a lot of great features.

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    I think the next version of chrome is going to kick @$$ though

    Google clearly have microsoft in their sights. A new operating system out next year, a free office suite! The world is changing They give it out for free knowing that the advertising revenue will make billions alone. Plus they will have a foothold in the information going back and forth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You have to switch it ON in security! It is OFF by default reasons
    No Keith, I don't want IE to offer to remember passwords or have it auto fill username password fields, I always turn that off!

    The problem is that site data that should be getting stored in cookies is getting wiped, at random!

    Sometimes the cookie will persist for a while, maybe a day, then next day it forgets everything every 5 minutes it's inconsistent and not behaving the way IE7 or earlier behaved.

    Just did it to me now Opened IE8 it went to my iGoogle home page, 5 minutes later I clicked on the second tab and hey presto I'm not signed into google anymore, new page opens with google default asking me to sign in top right.

    Actually now I'm getting really paranoid because as I was typing this I had the correctly signed in iGoogle tab open in the IE instance in the background, as I was typing this message here in Chrome the IE instance SIGNED OUT AND REFRESHED THE PAGE ON IT'S OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    This is happening on more than one machine I am sure my machines are clean no viruses etc.

    I'm gonna stick to Chrome till someone at Microsoft figures this out, I should maybe escalate this issue with them I guess.


  15. #15
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    For me, I use Safari as my main browser, then Firefox and ocassionally IE

  16. #16
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    Strange thing is many people i come across at work think the browsers which follow most closely the Web standards ie the acid 3 test and what not are the ones which are badly made

    Chrome, Safari and Opera do it for me in what are the best browsers although use ie7-8 and and opera as a rule in the real world or more like a browser on a mobile many of which also use web kit as do Chrome and Safari.

    Hopefully html 5 will gain ground as Html 4 is sooo old.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Strange thing is many people i come across at work think the browsers which follow most closely the Web standards ie the acid 3 test and what not are the ones which are badly made

    Chrome, Safari and Opera do it for me in what are the best browsers although use ie7-8 and and opera as a rule in the real world or more like a browser on a mobile many of which also use web kit as do Chrome and Safari.

    Hopefully html 5 will gain ground as Html 4 is sooo old.
    It will be a long time before Microsoft fully supports HTML5 in IE particularly the Canvas as this competes with similar functionality in Silverlight and WPF.

    In reality I think Silverlight and Flash will be around for a long time yet.

    You're right though IE still fails acid3


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    It will be a long time before Microsoft fully supports HTML5 in IE particularly the Canvas as this competes with similar functionality in Silverlight and WPF.

    In reality I think Silverlight and Flash will be around for a long time yet.

    You're right though IE still fails acid3

    IE 8 is the anti acid 3 im sure 20 /100 when it was first released

    I have to say im imprssed with HTML 5 and like you say im sure many will use Flash and silverlight but google and apple seem to be very pro HTML 5 at the mo so be intresting what MS do.

    One big market is the iphone
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    Opera 10 is out today, using it now, and its looking good so far - it seems very fast compared to previous Opera versions, but its early days yet.

  20. #20
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    Opera 10 is out today, using it now, and its looking good so far - it seems very fast compared to previous Opera versions, but its early days yet.
    Does it run Adwords & Betfair? Adwords wouldn't even load up on 9.X!!!
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    Opera 10 is out today, using it now, and its looking good so far - it seems very fast compared to previous Opera versions, but its early days yet.
    What might be handy for those in phill to look into is the turbo function which ascts like opera on the mobile phone works and uses a special gateway where data is compressed and fiddled about with before sending to the browser making a slower connection not seem so bad

    Not tried the pc version in anger yet but the phone version is very good
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    What might be handy for those in phill to look into is the turbo function which ascts like opera on the mobile phone works and uses a special gateway where data is compressed and fiddled about with before sending to the browser making a slower connection not seem so bad

    Not tried the pc version in anger yet but the phone version is very good
    The turbo function is indeed a great idea Andy for slower connections, for example here in rural Wales, we don't have blanket 3G cover for mobile phone networks, so Opera's turbo function would be ideal for those slow mobile phone internet connections.

    I've used Opera 10 for a few days now, still very fast, HOWEVER, there are still some non-compliant issues (for some websites, Opera 10 does not properly recognise "submit" buttons and sees them as an image), but on the whole it is far better than 9X.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    The turbo function is indeed a great idea Andy for slower connections, for example here in rural Wales, we don't have blanket 3G cover for mobile phone networks, so Opera's turbo function would be ideal for those slow mobile phone internet connections.

    I've used Opera 10 for a few days now, still very fast, HOWEVER, there are still some non-compliant issues (for some websites, Opera 10 does not properly recognise "submit" buttons and sees them as an image), but on the whole it is far better than 9X.
    Most Websites which Opera doesn't display correctly are the ones at fault.

    One problem is highlighted in this link where many Sites dontr recogonise double digit version of browsers

    Due to IE being so poorly made and non compliant with "standards" although I suppose you could say the standards MS decide on are what we should follow but i would rather not

    Heres a link one of our developers sent out to those who join our Web development team at Work why IE is so bad and almost hindering the web.

    The Wife has a Vista mc with IE 8 on it and the most frequent update seems to be compatiablity mode for IE8.
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  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    So Google who basically control the web are wrong! The problem with Adwords happens in all versions, same with Betfair, and other newly updated sites, Opera can't parse the new coding languages.
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    So Google who basically control the web are wrong! The problem with Adwords happens in all versions, same with Betfair, and other newly updated sites, Opera can't parse the new coding languages.

    Im sure i wrote a reply to this Hey ho

    From what i recall google and opera were good friends and fell out hence why opera does not use google as its default search engine any more. hmm about the time that Chrome came out

    MS seem friendly to ie and firefox you must support your nearest competior. Isn't it the new web based office apps which they only support ie and ff?

    Google put up with IE as they have no choice, love chrome and friendly with firefox as they both sponsor iirc and are next door neighbours.

    Isn't there a rule that you can only have three giants in a market. The yanks at work for years have mentioned this.

    Google from what i see support the other browsers and make allowances for them but would sooner be rid of opera. Look at how if you mask opera as firefox or ie problems on certain google apps disapear

    I do agree its a shame they dont have a compatabilty mode ie allow the odd quirks which mainstream browsers use so you can browse them if needed.

    PLus i bet joe loves it as it has a bit torrent client bulit in
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  26. #26
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    Chrome 3 is out.....supposed to be very buggy.
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Chrome 3 is out.....supposed to be very buggy.
    I did a reformat and reinstall for my laptop (Fujitsu), then tried again with Chrome, and its STILL the slowest browser, so I know its not a problem with my system. On another laptop we have (Toshiba), its very fast. Think I'll stick with IE8 and FF.

  28. #28
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    With Google Wave i see Google are upseting MS again.
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post
    I did a reformat and reinstall for my laptop (Fujitsu), then tried again with Chrome, and its STILL the slowest browser, so I know its not a problem with my system. On another laptop we have (Toshiba), its very fast. Think I'll stick with IE8 and FF.
    Do you have IPV6 on?

    Causes untold grief on various routers and laptops network cards.
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  30. #30
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    IVP6 has always been on since IE6, never had an issue and deal with all this stuff a lot. Any issues would be with companies not updating firmware on the routers.
    Keith - Administrator

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