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Thread: Need help!!!! Urgent!!!!! ):

  1. #1
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    Need help!!!! Urgent!!!!! ):

    do i need to have a health TB screening in the philippines in applying a spouse visa for the UK?? and which hospital that would be that British Embassy would require???.....

  2. #2
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    You mean before u apply for a spouse visa? if that's the case I dont think so unless they changed the rules..just followed all the documents required in the checklist and read some of the threads and posts in here am sure u will be alright..


  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    I`d not had one as far as I know
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  4. #4
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    I dont think so..........

  5. #5
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    I dont have it also when i submitted my spousal visa application last year i dont know if its required now.

  6. #6
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    it appears which airport you arrive at depends on if you get a TB check.

    my wife had a TB check at heathrow but others at different airports didnt,my wife was also sent a letter to register at her local doctors,which is a bit strange as the time she did she could of infected half the county?

    save your money and get it done here for free?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  7. #7
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    Not in Pinas but here yes. But if you want to be sure if your lungs is healthy and release from worries, why not have a screen there in PInas before coming to UK.

  8. #8
    Respected Member rayofLight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babykie_star View Post
    do i need to have a health TB screening in the philippines in applying a spouse visa for the UK?? and which hospital that would be that British Embassy would require???.....
    I JUST finished my XRAY last wed....and the immigration is the one required the TB screening...not the embassy.....
    you can get an XRAY here in PHIL...or in the airport of UK.....

  9. #9
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    I'll be applying for spousal visa too, based from what i read on the ukvisa's website, they're targeting health screening for tuberculosis in high risk areas (screening has already started in other countries, but the Philippines was not mentioned).

    I guess it wouldn't hurt if you have an xray done, it would come handy should they require it. and besides, it will be great to know that you're TB - free!

  10. #10
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    well Im glad...but is there any medical screening whatsoever aside from TB?? coz as what I've heard from blood to your urine they check everything really in applying anything in the Us...(tourist,fiancee or spouse)...I thought they're rules are just the same..

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babykie_star View Post
    do i need to have a health TB screening in the philippines in applying a spouse visa for the UK?? and which hospital that would be that British Embassy would require???.....
    No. TB screening is not a necessary prerequisite to applying for a spousal visa. But, as others here have suggested, it would do no harm to have this test carried out in advance ... from the point of view that Immigration Officials at most major British aiports will otherwise direct all incoming non-European passengers to undergo a medical examination on arrival.

    Quote Originally Posted by babykie_star View Post
    well Im glad...but is there any medical screening whatsoever aside from TB?? coz as what I've heard from blood to your urine they check everything really in applying anything in the Us...(tourist,fiancee or spouse)...I thought they're rules are just the same..
    In my wife's case, when requested to report to the Medical Suite at Manchester Airport, she explained that throughout her career in the Philippines, it had been a mandatory stipulation by the Department of Education that all teaching staff submit themselves for an annual checkup [which included screening for tuberculosis]. Fortunately, her explanation was accepted without further questioning.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by babykie_star View Post
    well Im glad...but is there any medical screening whatsoever aside from TB?? coz as what I've heard from blood to your urine they check everything really in applying anything in the Us...(tourist,fiancee or spouse)...I thought they're rules are just the same..

    united states have different rules full medical and they check lots of things and there waiting times omg

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AyinX View Post

    they're targeting health screening for tuberculosis in high risk areas (screening has already started in other countries, but the Philippines was not mentioned).
    Philippines is mentioned, if you're stopped at the airport when you arrive in the UK, but you don't have X-rays with you, you will probably get a letter asking you to attend a clinic for X-rays to be taken, or less likely they could ask you to have X-rays taken at the airport.

    from an old post of mine ...

    Nationals of some countries are required to undergo an examination specifically for Infectious Tuberculosis TB before applying for Entry Clearance. This requirement varies between countries depending on local healthcare systems and standards. Testing has started in the following countries: Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania, Pakistan, and Thailand. Furthermore, the UK also plans to introduce testing in China, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Philippines, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Generally, testing is required for people applying for a visa to stay in the UK for over six months.

    You should have the test at a clinic accredited by the Embassy and show the test certificate with your Entry Clearance application. It is imperative that you check with the Embassy in your country in good time to see if you require an examination and to find out what the local procedures are. You may need to consider starting the testing process some months before you plan to submit your Entry Clearance application so that there is sufficient time for the test results to be processed and returned to you before you make the visa application.You may also decide voluntarily to undergo a medical examination and chest X-ray. Check with the Embassy in your country to see what they advise. Ensure that you carry any medical certificates and X-ray results in your hand luggage in case Immigration Officers ask to see them when you arrive at the airport in the UK.

    oh found the link
    but i think the link is dead NOW

  14. #14
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babykie_star View Post
    well Im glad...but is there any medical screening whatsoever aside from TB?? coz as what I've heard from blood to your urine they check everything really in applying anything in the Us...(tourist,fiancee or spouse)...I thought they're rules are just the same..
    nope, as far as I know u only need an X-ray in the Immigration when u arrive in Heathrow and it will be helpful if u already have the Xray result from the Philippines..You dont need any medical screening if u are going to apply for a visa in the U.K. Just make sure u have all the necessary documents and followed whats on their checklist, everything will surely be alright..


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