Dontpushme,I dont make it seem as if both girls were forced into pregnancy,I know condoms are cheap,but the religion and the family culture there are such that birth control is frowned upon and big early families are the norm

Its part of pinoy culture,like it or not,that a pinay marrying a westerner is cause for celebration in a family,put it this way,I have attended a few mixed marriage weddings in Pinas and never once saw the brides mother frowning,quite the reverse,and it is expected that money wings its way from west to east,that has been docimented so often its not just a myth,its part and parcel of the relationship,its the trade off,I met an american in his 70's

Yup he was an septuagenarian with a "Fiancee" in her early 20's,thats the most extreme but I have seen lots of age chasms like that,is it for love or £££,of course its for the money going back to pinas,they even coined a phrase for it,the 4 M's

I understand a bit of asian culture,I lived there for years,I know asian families help each other,but I also know why young women sacrifice themselves for the good of the family