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Thread: Spouse Visa applying. tOO SOON or

  1. #1
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Spouse Visa applying. tOO SOON or

    Hi everyone, i can say i m quite anxious and alittle worried. If you look at my previous threads you will see i have already been married now 4 years and we have a son now 2 years. I also lived in Philippines with my wife and son for 3 years . Las July i came back to UK alone. For a short while i was unemplyed on and off sort of. It was only in June that i became self employed and just managed this month to save 2500 pounds as show money for the ECO.

    So far i feel ive done well. I am ex-military and receive a war pension of 280 pounds per month. iN 6 MONTHS i will also receive my Armed forces pension and grant of 12,000.pounds. Anyway The Citizens advice say to me that i should not delay and now apply for my wifes VISA to UK. i AM ALSO WORRIED BECAUSE THE BUSINESS IS ONLY 3 MONTHS Old. He as suugested a projected forcast report for another 3 months from september to December.

    I am still very worried because i read in the forum its better to have a longer proof of income. Citizens advice say Im earning money and thats all i need to worry about. 4 years is enough proof and a son he states.



  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    Hi everyone, i can say i m quite anxious and alittle worried. If you look at my previous threads you will see i have already been married now 4 years and we have a son now 2 years. I also lived in Philippines with my wife and son for 3 years . Las July i came back to UK alone. For a short while i was unemplyed on and off sort of. It was only in June that i became self employed and just managed this month to save 2500 pounds as show money for the ECO.

    So far i feel ive done well. I am ex-military and receive a war pension of 280 pounds per month. iN 6 MONTHS i will also receive my Armed forces pension and grant of 12,000 pounds. Anyway The Citizens advice say to me that i should not delay and now apply for my wifes VISA to UK. i AM ALSO WORRIED BECAUSE THE BUSINESS IS ONLY 3 MONTHS Old. He as suugested a projected forcast report for another 3 months from september to December.

    I am still very worried because i read in the forum its better to have a longer proof of income. Citizens advice say Im earning money and thats all i need to worry about. 4 years is enough proof and a son he states.


    I well-remember your initial post, Ron. And, by all accounts, things have moved onto a considerably better level for you since then. As I reminded you at the time, the fact that you sustained your injuries through no fault of your own ... AND WHILST ACTING IN DEFENCE OF THE REALM ... should, in itself, "cut some ice" with the Embassy officials assigned to assess your application.

    Now, you are self-employed ... and, in the process, have managed to lay aside £500 more than the recommended minimum amount of savings required. Forbye, on top of your monthly war pension, you will shortly be receiving a further *£12,000 grant from the Armed Forces. *This not inconsiderable amount should, of course, be mentioned in your letter of sponsorship ... which can be submitted along with the projected business forecast suggested by the CAB.

    All things considered, I believe Citizens' Advice is right in urging you to start the ball rolling straight away. The fact that you've already been married for 4 years ... and lived in the Phils for three of those in order to be with your wife and child [which is perfectly acceptable - indeed, totally understandable!] ... is more than adequate proof of a stable relationship.

    So what are you waiting for, man?

  3. #3
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Thanks Arthur

    yes you remember i had injurys whilst in the armed forces. Actually was in Falklands war. Not a serious injury but had difficultys to my right leg. Anyway desite this i decided to go self employed. So far all as gone well and you are right i just need to be positive and get my family here.

    Thanks again


  4. #4
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    In my opinion the important factors in the application for settlement visa is proof that it is a genuine relationship and you have the finances and accommodation to support your partner without the need for public funds.

    Regarding the proof of relationship this is to be shown by the evidence that you will provide in the form of photos, travel itinerary, hotel bookings etc.

    With reference to the financial requirements, the need for 6 months of bank statements and pay slips is to show that there is regular money going into an account.

    As each application can be slightly different the need for the letter of support is essential to outline your particular circumstances.

    In your case even though you say you married quickly, the fact that you are still married 3 years later should show the relationship is real.

    Explain in your letter of support about your savings and income and also provide the projected forecast for your business, from an accountant if possible, and I feel this should be sufficient to show that you have the means to support your family.

    I wish you all the best in your application and hope that you will be together soon as a family here in the UK.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you been married along time, have a son - so the embassy cannot say your relationship is not genuine

    where are you living now, i take it, it will not be over crowded when you wife and son come ?

    cab i think are right, so do as they say, you're working which is most important, you also have savings, as long as you have about £100 a week left after paying rent/util bills you should be ok..

    as for 3 months being self employed, if you have an accountant ask them to help you do your projected forecast..

    good luck, thou i think you shouldn't have a problem getting your visa

  6. #6
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Thanks joe and Rusty for your support. Yes Joe as you know im ex-military and so the army helped me alot get a nice flat in Eastbourne over looking the sea. Have landlords permission for Deanna to live here and son. She is also on the house agreement

    The CAB have called me in for a meeting to start the Spouse visa application as quickly as possible. 20th august. The Army realise that getting my wife here and son as soon as possible will benefit all of us. I have delayed everything too long now .

    I now have savings of 2500 and this can increase after all bills by at least 700 pounds monthly. I have aLSO supported my wife and son in the philippines. I think on average 200 pounds per month since returning to UK last July


  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    then what's your problem, apply asap.

    if not now, when was you thinking of applying ?

    just mention everything in your letter of support..

    and good luck ron

  8. #8
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Joe was thinking in November to apply for Deannas Spouse Visa to show more monthly earnings??????? But CAB say NO RON APPLY NOW so we will start everything very soon. On 20th we will complete application. I will keep you all informed in the forum. Wish me luck


  9. #9
    Respected Member Sun Shine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    Joe was thinking in November to apply for Deannas Spouse Visa to show more monthly earnings??????? But CAB say NO RON APPLY NOW so we will start everything very soon. On 20th we will complete application. I will keep you all informed in the forum. Wish me luck

    Very best of luck to you and your family Ron.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    £2,500 is enough ron, and you've got other money coming to..

    what more important is that your working, and some people have managed to get a visa with no savings, even some lucky people have managed to get a visa while only on benefits.., thou i know of people who have been refused for being overdrawn on their bank balance..

    anyway, good luck but i'm sure you will not need it

  11. #11
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    Read all your post, no need to worry, youre fine just make sure submit all the necessary documents, good luck to you ron and deanna

  12. #12
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    the fact that you sustained your injuries through no fault of your own ... AND WHILST ACTING IN DEFENCE OF THE REALM ... should, in itself, "cut some ice" with the Embassy officials assigned to assess your application.

    I wouldn't count on it........ These people just tick boxes. Then they check to see if all the correct boxes are ticked, if they are, you get the visa, if they're not, you don't. I don't think service to your country or compassion for your circumstances will make a blind bit of difference to how they judge your case.

    Having said that, with everything else already in place, evidence of relationship, money in the bank and suitable accomodation, I think that with a well laid out earnings/business projection and a well written letter of support on top, I don't think you'll have much to worry about.


  13. #13
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Thanks for the last reply here. Yes you are right. It dosent matter. Yet it does help that i receive a war pension for injuries. They will obviuously see this information and that i have served. The main thing its showing additional money going into my account from the Minisry of Defence.

    Even though the business is only 3 months old i have managed to put aside just over 2500 pounds after all bills.

    An accountant will complete a projected Forcast and officially stamped by a certified accountant. He as suggested that i show that i will receive a further miliray pension payable next May 2010. Oh god i will be 55.

    For me right now . Its already a nerve racking time to get all sorted. If anyone else needs more help trhen i seriously recommend the CAB in your local area.

    Thanks to everyone here for your advice. Im sure once i have completed all i can offer advice to someone else. This is a great forum. Like a big family



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