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  1. #1
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    Question I need some advise.. :)

    Hello again!

    I need your advise regarding our financial status and my husband's employment status. I am planning to lodge my spousal visa application on the last week of October (so we can be together by early 2010).

    Here's the situation:

    Husband's employment:

    - He was working before as a Manager at the carphonewarehouse since July 2007 but unfortunately was let go off the job last June (due to redundancy)

    - He started his new job last July (3rd week) as part of Job centre (Ealing council).


    1. When i submit copies of his pay slips, is it ok if i send 3 months worth of his payslips at CPW and 3 months at the Job centre?

    Finacial Status:

    - My husband has been supporting me and our 3 yr. old son and sometimes he send more than we need , so I was able to save money and i also get to earn a little money from my hobby (art commissions). I have atleast 1500 GBP on my savings account.

    - He on the other hand has about 2500 GBP saved on his bank account. He's also currently paying for a bank loan he made last year (extra spending money for his vacation here in the Phils), but it doesnt affect our "monthly budget" since his monthly salary is enough to cover everything (rent, bills, plus the loan and my monthly allowance).


    1. I read somewhere that the sponsor's capability is more important, so should I just transfer what's in my account to his?

    2. Do you think our savings will be enough to satisfy the requirement?

    I will appreciate your replies. I have some other questions, but i want to take it one step at a time to make sure I do everything right.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes include his pay slips from his new job, and also how many he needs from his old job to make up 6 payslips..

    mention in his letter of support he was recently made redundant from first job, and has started a new job, don't forget to include a copy of his contract of employment, and if possible a letter from his manger stating how long he has worked there, what his hours of work are, what is pay is.also his most recent p60.

    £2,500 is enough , i wouldn't mention about a loan,

    as long as he has about £100 a week left for you to all live off, after he's paid rent/mortgage and utils bills that's the minimum he needs.

    not sure about you transferring money to his account, you could but you would have to explain in his letter of support that the money was from you (include a copy of the remit transfer from you to him, as they will notice the large deposit to his account on his bank statements. i suppose he could show he has sent you money every month (remit receipts for last 6 months? - you should be sending these anyway !! as evidence of your relationship ) , and its money you've not used, so your returning it

    good luck

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes include his pay slips from his new job, and also how many he needs from his old job to make up 6 payslips..

    mention in his letter of support he was recently made redundant from first job, and has started a new job, don't forget to include a copy of his contract of employment, and if possible a letter from his manger stating how long he has worked there, what his hours of work are, what is pay is.also his most recent p60.

    £2,500 is enough , i wouldn't mention about a loan,

    as long as he has about £100 a week left for you to all live off, after he's paid rent/mortgage and utils bills that's the minimum he needs.

    not sure about you transferring money to his account, you could but you would have to explain in his letter of support that the money was from you (include a copy of the remit transfer from you to him, as they will notice the large deposit to his account on his bank statements. i suppose he could show he has sent you money every month (remit receipts for last 6 months? - you should be sending these anyway !! as evidence of your relationship ) , and its money you've not used, so your returning it

    good luck
    I think the loan will reflect on the bank statement since he arranged for it to be deducted automatically every month. :( do you think that will be a problem? There's still 100+ left from his salary after all the expenses every month..

    Yes, I have copies of the remit receipts and We can also ask the company which he use to send the the remittance money to issue us an official list of all the transactions he made with them since 2007.

    I might just transfer my savings to his account since its actually considered his as well; I will just ask him to mention it on the support letter, so they wont question where the money came from.

    I guess I would have to ask him to stop sending excess money from now on..?

  4. #4
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    You have 120,000 pesos in your account but he still sends you money?Ask him to stop,build up his finances or better still pay off his loan unless its got some sort of clause built into it penalising early paying?Good luck with your application,you will like Ealing,the broadway is very lively and great shopping,some good places to eat.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    You have 120,000 pesos in your account but he still sends you money?Ask him to stop,build up his finances or better still pay off his loan unless its got some sort of clause built into it penalising early paying?Good luck with your application,you will like Ealing,the broadway is very lively and great shopping,some good places to eat.
    Thanks for the replies..


    You were right about the loan, for some reason, he can't pay it off in full (was set up that way) so he would have to continue to have it deducted monthly from his account. I will ask him to visit the bank and work things out.

    But if they cant do anything about it, we just have to explain the situation via the support letter? they will be able to see (on the bank statements) that our savings and monthly budget isnt affected by paying that loan off ..

    and yes, he still send money monthly because we need it for additional evidence of relationship and to show that he really supports me and my son (for the remittance receipts). I will just ask him to keep it minimal from now on.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes just get him to send what you need, better in his bank than yours for now

    send a copy of the remit if your going to send the money back to him, so they can match it with his bank statement, the embassy are not stupid, that's why they ask for 6 months of bank statements, as some people borrow money from a friend or bank, and only send 3 or so statements. because they don't want the embassy to see a large deposit to the bank account in the previous statement, also because they had no money at all , until the large deposit

    or get him to send less for the next few months ,and live of the money you have, so he will save what he normally sends you each month, and no need to transfer or explain the money to the embassy

    i did what i just mentioned, borrowed money on credit card put it in my current account, waited 6 months, so i has 6 months of statements without the one showing the money going in my account. i didn't explain on my bank statements about how my money was being spent, even thou there was money going out each month for a loan

    just doing a small spread sheet of his incoming and out goings,
    eg rent £400
    gas/electric £140
    food £ 200
    car £ 40
    total £xxx a month

    incomings wage - out goings = £xxx a month left.
    try to make what left as large as possible, obviously they will look at his bank statements to see his outgoings so he will have to include many of them

    its probably a good idea to, to include something like this at the end

    rent/mortgage £xxxx
    utils bills £xxxx

    total £xxxx

    income - total = £xxxx , because the minimum you need is aBOUT £100wk after these bills. so around £400 month (what he would get if he was claiming unemployment benefit)

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    wow , thanks a lot! that surely helps.

    that was our problem, since he made a loan before, even though its a small amount , its was done recently (last december) and its still going out from his account monthly until i dont know when.

    I will do just that. I will ask him to send a minimal amount instead , ( so i can still have remittance receipts from him for the next few months, haha) and will live off the money i saved. That way he can add more to his account and we dont have to explain the large money transfer to the embassy people.

    we're working on the spreadsheet too.

    about the loan, should inform them about it or just continue paying it off and not mention it at all? its a big issue for me since I want to be as honest during this whole process...

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    does it say its a loan on his bank statements ?

    you could explain it in his letter of support he has a loan, but i dont think they ever refuse people because they have a loan, as long as he has a job and savings, he shouldn't have any problems.

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Has anyone noticed when a pretty newbie posts Joe answers within seconds?
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Has anyone noticed when a pretty newbie posts Joe answers within seconds?
    what you doing in this thread scouser Keith

    i've got the day off work , but had to look after the kids

    always willing to help a lady in distress

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what you doing in this thread scouser Keith

    i've got the day off work , but had to look after the kids

    always willing to help a lady in distress
    I'm grateful for any help I can get around here.

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Has anyone noticed when a pretty newbie posts Joe answers within seconds?
    if you wore your summer dress again and wore that girly wig you have scouser Keith, i would give you advice to.... like put a bag on your head

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