Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
.... your comments & thoughts are ALWAYS appreciated, but on this one I think you should bow out gracefully
and leave it to the people who've ACTUALLY gone down the Fiancee route.

Yes, you are correct... the application form does say "will require to provide EVIDENCE of their intention to marry",
but this is a misnomer.

It is a Catch-22 situation..... you cannot do anything OFFICIAL until your lady arrives here.
Yes, you could book a hall, pre-book the Archbishop of Canterbury, order a cake, arrange to get your hair cut, etc etc .....
BUT all these things can be cancelled, or even better, set up by you on your John Bull printing set !

So, the "evidence" is not worth the paper it's written (or printed) on.

It's the total strength of your full application that will decide on the visa, not on the £8 per head or £50 per head
wedding breakfast menu !
just for the fun of it..

from the refusals guidance...

The requirements to be met by a person seeking leave to enter as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner are contained in Paragraph 289A and 290 of HC 395 as amended by HC 538 and HC 582 and must be referred to when reading the following advice.
2.1. Key points
The main points on which the immigration officer needs to be satisfied are that:
- the passenger holds a valid entry clearance as the fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner of a person settled in the United Kingdom or being admitted at the same occasion for settlement; and
there is no reason to believe that false representations were made in order to obtain the entry clearance or that circumstances have changed since its issue

firstly i would always send as much relevant information/evidence you have if your applying for any sort of visa. people have been refused for not sending what evidence they were asked for or incomplete evidence.

i don't advise anyone to send less evidence than they should, i minimise any risks, your paying £500+ and waiting months, so sure, you maybe lucky and get your visa, but i don't deal in luck, just the facts.

i know many people who have sent evidence of their proposed wedding, sure you can say , you can cancel this and that, but at least your intentions are there, and from the refusal you can see (b) false representations were made or change of circumstances, for me if you don't supply some evidence of your intended wedding, then youre increasing your risk of refusal, because you done nothing about your proposed wedding, what size that risk is who knows.

also i can tell you most if not everyone on here, did supply some sort of evidence of their proposed wedding, and they all, but maybe one didn't get their visa, i don't remember anyone not sending any evidence at all of their proposed wedding ?? thou i maybe wrong, any more takers on this ???

can you tell me anyone who has been refused for sending evidence of their proposed wedding?. can i tell you who hasn't been refused for not sending some sort of evidence, no i can't because i think everyone did, the embassy do random checks, i know of one person at least on here, where the embassy contacted the person who was suppose to be making their wedding cake ( i think it was ady ?? ) and when they failed to, and that was one of the reasons for refusing the visa, thou i think it was overturned on appeal.

and as for getting your visa in 4wks and 2 days, good for you, but how long you wait is determined by luck and how busy the embassy is. that's why everyone has been waiting at least 6wks for a visa.