Err..... Neither Bluebirdjones or myself did provide any evidence of our proposed wedding. Searching round previous messages others who didn't provide any evidence includes DianaKevy, JudyHon, Ann07, and xebec. So that's six on here who definitely did not supply some sort of evidence of their proposed wedding and I am sure there are others on here who did not either.
The couple I think you are referring to is Philip/Frances who were not entirely truthfully with a visit visa, and hence the ECO was a bit suspicious of them. And when they checked their caterers because she was doing it cash-in-hand she denied all knowledge. Who knows if they hadn't provided any evidence they might not have been refused the first time.
The point Bluebirdjones and myself are trying to make is that you do not have to provide any proposed bookings. Back in the day when you had to have an interview the ECO wasn't at all worried that we didn't provide any and hence this is why I do not advise people to provide it.