Hello Everyone!

I was on search for something else and I spottted this Forum. It got me interested and I believe it would be wortwhile.

Although I am not new with email stuff, I am new in Forum and this is the first I've joined in. I meant to do a 'blog' but never got round to it yet. And being new, you might see other version of this 'introduction' - something must have gone wrong, that I believe my first attemp wasnt posted or if it was ... sorry guys

Anyway, I will on just in case it wasn't -
I hope to know a lot of infos, meet people and maybe meet friends. I am here to help as well. I may have some answers to some of your questions, especially those who are still (yet) on to the process to come over the UK.

I will posting more later on ...

Just drop me a line and I will get back to you. Easy on me 'coz am really new in forum setting

Okay, God bless all!
