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  1. #1
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    just what I need

    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post
    HI bless.books,
    You're welcome.. Yeah i just chose that username so Mr P&P could also contribute some of his ideas if he wishes to. I thought of the counterpart of "Jack n Jill" in pilipino. Oh you are a license architect! (where the money is!)My husband has a PhD in Marketing and Psychology. BTW i had worked in an Industrial Firm as a Mktg. Asst. back in the Phils. We had always dealt with architects whenever we have new proposals or new projects. I had checked the link of your book. Amazing! you were able to make those. That's good it will be a great help for filipinos who are to take the test. I took it already last April, and passed.
    Best of luck on your quest!..

    Hello Pepe n Pilar!

    Thank you for your commendation and for looking up on my link. Ohh, my books weren't that great compared to the others + the offical LIFE IN THE UK book by the TSO of course. I thank the people behind the publication for allowing me to have a different approach. What makes it unique and (special to me somehow) different is that, it is done by a Filipno. I've always been proud of things done by Filipino (being one of course) no matter how little it maybe. This is one of the many things that I can treasure since coming over to the UK. And again thank for you encouragement.

    Back home, maybe we bump into each other at one time?

  2. #2
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=bless.books;171115]Hello Pepe n Pilar!

    Thank you for your commendation and for looking up on my link - just what I needed. Ohh, my books weren't that great compared to the others + the offical LIFE IN THE UK book by the TSO. I thank the people behind the TSO for allowing me to have a different approach. What makes it unique and (special to me somehow) different is that, it is done by a Filipno. I've always been proud of things done by Filipino (being one of course) no matter how little it maybe. This is one of the many things that I can treasure since coming over to the UK. And again thank for you encouragement.

    Back home, maybe we bump into each other at one time?[/QUOTE]

    Hi bless.books. You're welcome. You deserve it anyway.
    I guess we bump into each other at one time..... Depends on the scale of business you've been into. We engaged from small to big projects in Manila and in the provinces.

    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  3. #3
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Hi bless.books. You're welcome. You deserve it anyway.
    I guess we bump into each other at one time..... Depends on the scale of business you've been into. We engaged from small to big projects in Manila and in the provinces.


    Hello Pepe n Pilar! How are you? Yeah, I wonder if we ever met , maybe not. I hope you don't mind me asking what exactly what you do/products in you were involved in? Maybe educate me what you do? Me, on the other hand was in all sorts and not so grand to mention here. I am just a small fish in the ocean. I am a member of the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) and for a time an active member. So, I kinda think maybe you've been to any of those functions? Or, maybe in Building Construction Exhibits?

  4. #4
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bless.books View Post
    Hi bless.books. You're welcome. You deserve it anyway.
    I guess we bump into each other at one time..... Depends on the scale of business you've been into. We engaged from small to big projects in Manila and in the provinces.

    Hello Pepe n Pilar! How are you? Yeah, I wonder if we ever met , maybe not. I hope you don't mind me asking what exactly what you do/products in you were involved in? Maybe educate me what you do? Me, on the other hand was in all sorts and not so grand to mention here. I am just a small fish in the ocean. I am a member of the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) and for a time an active member. So, I kinda think maybe you've been to any of those functions? Or, maybe in Building Construction Exhibits?[/QUOTE]

    Hello Bless.books... I'm doing great, thanks....I'm not sure if we ever met...Ahh about what i do and the products, it's better to talk about it when we have the chance to chat or send email...It's my pleasure to be your friend.
    To mention a few... Was a subcon in the MRT const, RCBC Plaza.... and some buildings/hotels/condos....(small,medium and big projects)

    Hope you're doing well in your profession as a writer..So you're still an active member of UAP wow!.. probably you engage in house constructions in exclusive villages?
    Take care...

    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  5. #5
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    [Hello Bless.books... I'm doing great, thanks....I'm not sure if we ever met...Ahh about what i do and the products, it's better to talk about it when we have the chance to chat or send email...It's my pleasure to be your friend.
    To mention a few... Was a subcon in the MRT const, RCBC Plaza.... and some buildings/hotels/condos....(small,medium and big projects)

    Hope you're doing well in your profession as a writer..So you're still an active member of UAP wow!.. probably you engage in house constructions in exclusive villages?
    Take care...


    Hello Pepe n Pilar! I used to be an active at UAP. I miss the functions of course, where we meet products/subcon, gencon. Talking about that, it makes me wonder and want to guess your product, could it be electrical, mechanical, sanitary, hmm? How long ago was that? You probably met my Uncle instead, he was among the CDCP people of LRT. I understand for wanting to talk about this in private. I do have the same username at google, so drop me a line whenever ...

    Thank you again for your encouraging words ...

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