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You should tell Heide, as I had to tell my (now) wife when we went through a similar legal process, that she will have to learn be very assertive and demanding when dealing with her attorney, especially if he is a man. Filipina's don't generally like to be confrontational and it seems that when they are dealing with a man (Filipino) and especially men with a bit of authority, like attorneys, they are even less likely to be confrontational.
As I said in my earlier post, she should find one who will agree to an absolute fixed price with an agreed (preferably in writing) schedule of payments. Then if the attorney tries to ask for extra payments for say, additional court hearings, (for which her attendance will not be required) or any other fees that slipped his mind, or for any work that has not been agreed or carried out, then she must be prepared to argue about it.
Filipino lawyers are not all sharks, but from my experience and from what I have read on this forum and elsewhere, IMHO, good honest ones are as hard to find as the proverbial rocking horse sh*t