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Thread: hubby wants our baby to be born in uk

  1. #1
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    hubby wants our baby to be born in uk

    Hi again guys. I am soooo worried at the moment. Like i mentioned on my previous post, i got married last june 2009. Im already 3 months pregnant now. My husband really wants me to go to UK the soonest possible time so we can be together already and he wants our baby to be born in uk. We are still in the stage of processing our spousal visa application but the agency we hired gave us lots of requirements and my husband is already p___ed off. We seriously want to be together as soon as possible but i am already very pressured and worried about everything. I dont want to be stressed because its not good for our baby but it can't be helped.

    Our target date for going to the uk is this coming december and im so worried i wont be able to get the visa by then. And my tummy will be 7 months in december, i might not be able to travel by then. The woman at the agency told me that she doubt if i will be able to get the visa by december. I was so furious and sad and so worried about it. We should have not hired their services in the first place. We should have do it ourselves. But its too late now, my husband has already paid them. Please can anyone advise me what to do? Just to enlighten my mind.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Ohhhhh - why did you hired an agency for a spousal visa?
    I guess that most of fellow members in here will agree with me that it is usually loss of the money - you should do it alone as most people in here did...
    Don't mean to be nosy but how much did you paid on top of the visa fee?
    And - about your flight - you should be alright when travelling in your 7-th month. Take a look in here at Cathay policy about buntis for example: Cathay - pregnant travel
    Take care
    Jiri & Maricel

  3. #3
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    thank you ji&ma. yes the reason why we hired an agency is for them to help me with the process because i am buntis. my husband doesnt want me to be stressed with the all the process. but saying our regrets, its too late now.... huhuhuhu

  4. #4
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    ji&ma, when do i need to attend the CFO seminar, after or before i get my spousal visa?

  5. #5
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    ji&ma, when do i need to attend the CFO seminar, after or before i get my spousal visa?
    I would say after - before your flight...
    Try to search forum for CFO or here is one good thread:
    CFO experience
    Jiri & Maricel

  6. #6
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    have you had your name change in your passport yet i think MRS T said you have to go to cfo twice now ????

  7. #7
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    yes, i have my passport changed with my married name now? i also hired an agency and paid the fee. im really confused now. I called CFO and asked them when can i attend the seminar, they said before and after. And ji&ma said i can do it after i get my visa or before my flight. But the agency said i need to attend the CFO seminar before i get the visa or before we lodge the application. Its very confusing. I really regret we hired an agency. ;-(

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    yes, i have my passport changed with my married name now? i also hired an agency and paid the fee. im really confused now. I called CFO and asked them when can i attend the seminar, they said before and after. And ji&ma said i can do it after i get my visa or before my flight. But the agency said i need to attend the CFO seminar before i get the visa or before we lodge the application. Its very confusing. I really regret we hired an agency. ;-(
    Take a look in that thread I linked in my previous post - Abby is querying the same basically and there is good simple answer from mod Aromulus to it...
    Jiri & Maricel

  9. #9
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    thanks maricel...

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    thanks maricel...
    Hehehee - Jiri in here, Maricel isn't contributing but I have the account for both of us...
    Jiri & Maricel

  11. #11
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    i think if you had your passport changed to your new married name or even if you are having a new passport,its a requirement that you should attend the cfo seminar. DFA will not just change your passport you see (filipina/filipino married to a foreign national must attend cfo (Commission on Filipino Overseas) seminar first either in cebu or manila- take note that the place of the seminar is different from where you will get the sticker that will be attached to your passport later after obtaining the visa). It must be the reason why the agency told you that you must attend the cfo seminar before you will lodge your application. And after you get the visa you will just return to get the sticker (no more seminar), at the cfo office. Just gather all your evidences and documents now and file your application as soon as possible. Is it not possible for you to withdraw hiring the agency's services? ok cheers...and goodluck.

  12. #12
    Respected Member aphrodite78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    Hi again guys. I am soooo worried at the moment. Like i mentioned on my previous post, i got married last june 2009. Im already 3 months pregnant now. My husband really wants me to go to UK the soonest possible time so we can be together already and he wants our baby to be born in uk. We are still in the stage of processing our spousal visa application but the agency we hired gave us lots of requirements and my husband is already p___ed off. We seriously want to be together as soon as possible but i am already very pressured and worried about everything. I dont want to be stressed because its not good for our baby but it can't be helped.

    Our target date for going to the uk is this coming december and im so worried i wont be able to get the visa by then. And my tummy will be 7 months in december, i might not be able to travel by then. The woman at the agency told me that she doubt if i will be able to get the visa by december. I was so furious and sad and so worried about it. We should have not hired their services in the first place. We should have do it ourselves. But its too late now, my husband has already paid them. Please can anyone advise me what to do? Just to enlighten my mind.
    hello filipina_owl so sorry to hear that you have to go through the lengthy process of processing your papers, there is really nothing you could do at the moment as embassy got a huge backlog. i know it's easy for me to say that but trust me you wouldn't want to stress out yourself specially you got little one to think of.

    it would perhaps help to just focus on your pregnancy and maybe who knows it might come quicker than you think. i was able to travel when i was 6 1/2 mos preggy although my balakang was aching everytime i stood up but hey ho it's the joys of being a soon to be mum. perhaps you and your hubby needs to have a chat, prepare yourselves that you might give birth in the phil to be honest with you i preferred giving birth in the phils as i was pampered for 3 days, doctors, nurses we're really a star. and if miracle do happen and your visa was granted when you can still travel it will be a bonus if it doesn't then at least won't feel so disappointed. the most important thing now is your little one... i hope i was able to enlighten your mind. take care and let us know how you get on.
    "Success is not about how much money you have; it's about the choices you can make in life"

  13. #13
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    i flew to uk around 28 weeks of my pregnancy with no problem...i was about 3 months that time when i filed my spouse visa but luckily i got the visa for total of 9 weeks n 2 days with no interview.....u still have enough time to start it right now but might gets more complicated as uve mentioned above that u used agency for that matter esp if they ask you for more which is not suppose to be needed, i only relied this forum all through out the process with no cost at all, so there is no reason if anyone cant do so as well. good luck

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and if your bb is born in the uk, then the bb will be British otherwise than by descent, so that means your bb's child (your grandchildren) will be British no matter where they are born by descent (outside the uk) or otherwise than by descent( in the UK).

  15. #15
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    what happens if i give birth in the philippines? how long does it take for my baby to be british citizen?

  16. #16
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    joebloggs, if i give birth in the philippiness, how long does it take for my baby to be british citizen?

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    joebloggs, if i give birth in the philippiness, how long does it take for my baby to be british citizen?
    your baby with be British by decent (thru the father) when the baby is born, you can then register the child with the embassy and apply for a British pass port, (thou i think the registering is optional - thou it does get your bb a british style birth cert)

    but your grandchildren will not be automatically be british unless they are born in the uk .

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