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Thread: Returning to the UK to live.

  1. #1
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    Returning to the UK to live.

    Hi, having lived in the P.I for 20years now,it's time to come back for health and personal reasons.

    I have a 11 year old daughter who now has a British passport.My wife will need to apply for a visa,I cannot see a problem there.

    I'm retired and looking at properties in the Essex area,Clacton in particular(cheaper).my question is any Filipino's living there in Clacton,or surrounding areas?

    I need to come back to the UK,firstly on my own, for a fact finding tour...schools accommodation.

    So any advice would be welcome....Thanks.

  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hi I live in Essex area, I am surprised you would want to come back to UK after such a long time in the PHILIPPINES.

    20 Years does seem a lifetime, adjustments I think will be hard for you, I just came back after a minute 4 weeks in Phils, and even when I got back it was hard to adjust and that was only a nano period.

    House prices have fallen somewhat, the average house price in Clacton on Sea and area is going to be about £200,000 or thereabouts, for a 3 bedroom home, and can go up as much as £300,000.

    Rental properties from £550.00 to £950.00 depending on size and number of bedrooms, houses to rent are normally at the higher end, £900.00 to £1200.00, diesel for your car is about £1.04 a litre at present, making it fairly expensive, and food seems to be more expensive again, on 1 item, a bottle of brown sauce, what used to be 85p is now £1.25

    Things have gone up, but Clacton on Sea will be cheaper to live than Say Chelmsford, the closer you get to London in Essex, the more expensive it seems to me it is to live.

    I Don't know any Filipinos in Clacton as such, but there are quite a few in Colchester working at the hospital and such like, best of luck, a fact finding mission maybe a good idea, see how you like it again, I find at present after coming back from a 4 week great stint, very quiet, but then again, you may like that.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilang View Post
    Hi, having lived in the P.I for 20years now,it's time to come back for health and personal reasons.
    entitlement to NHS treatment

  4. #4
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I remember I came back after 7 years away,it was mind blowing,I was spaced out for weeks turning the big TV over with a remote,opening a fridge full of food,gorging on cheeses 20 years must be that X10 Hope you have an easy transition

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Yes very important point, they never make anything easy do they

    Looks like it's ok though if the return is for permanent residence.


  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilang View Post
    Hi, having lived in the P.I for 20years now,it's time to come back for health and personal reasons.

    I have a 11 year old daughter who now has a British passport.My wife will need to apply for a visa,I cannot see a problem there.

    I'm retired and looking at properties in the Essex area,Clacton in particular(cheaper).my question is any Filipino's living there in Clacton,or surrounding areas?

    I need to come back to the UK,firstly on my own, for a fact finding tour...schools accommodation.

    So any advice would be welcome....Thanks.
    Patrick. I've just been reading the initial thread that you posted here in February ... at which time I was nearing the end of my second trip to the Phils ... so Welcome back into our midst.

    I'm sorry to learn that your marriage appeared to not work out as you'd obviously hoped ... and most especially about the subsequent "rumours" that your wife may no longer be alive. Such news must have been devastating for you!

    Forgive me being inquisitive, but would I be correct in assuming you've since remarried - as opposed to finding out that your Filipina wife HADN'T in fact, died after all and you'd been reconciled - as the second paragraph of your PRESENT post makes mention of your 11-year-old daughter's British passport as well as envisaging no problems with "your wife applying for a visa"?

    As to your questions regarding current property prices in the Home Counties, I've wisely left those for others living in the South East of England to answer. Good luck in your search.

  7. #7
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    the kent coast is also about the same prices as the essex coast there are lots of pilipina over this way if your wife can find some suitable FRIENDS

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