I admire the friendship you have with your husband's ex, you're very lucky. You're one of those few I've met who are friends with the ex. It wouldn't have worked in my situation and I am sure it will never work.

For instance my husband's ex is a Nigerian (I have nothing against them as I am never a racist and have a lot of close friends from Uni who are of the same race). She is a difficult person and was one of the reasons I almost walked out on Trev (thank God I didn't). She made life difficult for us when the relationship just started...she has now mellowed but occassionally screws up but I am used to it now. It took me a long time to adjust and looking back it was one of the hardest parts of my being in the UK.

She will always be a part of Trev's life as they have a son and is still young which I totally understand. And I think I will have to try and understand a bit more...it is never easy though, it requires a lot of patience and undestanding...

I really am happy for you, you know. You are one lucky woman!!!