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Thread: huhuhu im loosing hope of finding real friends or a girlfriend

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\\\\\\\\ToNy//// huhuhu im loosing hope of... 23rd August 2009, 01:33
D&G hi Tony! finding good friends... 23rd August 2009, 03:06
\\\\\\\\ToNy//// thankyou your so kind, im a... 23rd August 2009, 11:14
trader dave hi tony i can understand... 23rd August 2009, 11:23
Tawi2 Tony why does it specifically... 23rd August 2009, 11:25
Tawi2 Took 3 clicks of a mouse to... 23rd August 2009, 11:29
aromulus Reminiscent of Marvin the... 23rd August 2009, 14:08
belfast_dude great tv series / radio... 23rd August 2009, 19:56
Northerner Ahh yes. 42! The answer to... 23rd August 2009, 20:02
JimOttley Tony, I can really understand... 23rd August 2009, 16:29
trader dave have to agree about... 23rd August 2009, 16:41
Sophie Don't settle for just that,... 23rd August 2009, 21:51
Northerner :xxgrinning--00xx3: Agreed... 23rd August 2009, 21:55
Tawi2 Except the "Get yourself... 23rd August 2009, 21:57
Sophie LOL, if tony thinks the way... 23rd August 2009, 22:01
Tawi2 I am just trying to cover it... 23rd August 2009, 22:02
Sophie I get what you mean tawi, lol... 23rd August 2009, 22:13
Northerner Excellent... 23rd August 2009, 22:20
Queenbee go D and G!well said mate!I... 19th September 2009, 20:41
KeithD I'll be honest, going by your... 23rd August 2009, 11:37
Northerner :xxgrinning--00xx3: Tis will... 23rd August 2009, 17:59
britishdetained or even try... 23rd August 2009, 18:03
trader dave to many british more pilipina... 23rd August 2009, 18:33
Northerner Tony, Seriously man, I... 23rd August 2009, 18:42
Ayjay Sounds about right... You do... 19th September 2009, 10:32
Florge boss, you still need a rep?... 23rd August 2009, 12:51
KeithD All I can get babe... 23rd August 2009, 13:57
belfast_dude yourself man...all... 23rd August 2009, 19:57
KeithD If your looking for 'that'... 23rd August 2009, 20:48
Northerner You know all about Manchester... 23rd August 2009, 20:56
\\\\\\\\ToNy//// :BouncyHappy: waw thankyou so... 23rd August 2009, 22:04
\\\\\\\\ToNy//// :butthead:Jennifer Lopez... 23rd August 2009, 23:16
Sophie that's a very good idea tony,... 23rd August 2009, 23:34
jaishann hope you find one. 19th September 2009, 10:36
\\\\\\\\ToNy//// :cwm12: thankyou all, well... 21st September 2009, 01:19
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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Except the "Get yourself exposed to women" part It might be taken literally
    LOL, if tony thinks the way you do now, then he might
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    LOL, if tony thinks the way you do now, then he might
    I am just trying to cover it from all angles Soph Not "Cover it" as in somethings exposed,I just mean cover it as in the situation

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I am just trying to cover it from all angles Soph Not "Cover it" as in somethings exposed,I just mean cover it as in the situation
    I get what you mean tawi, lol
    I guess what i was saying to tony is, he should be more exposed to women in the sense that he should talk to women more,
    make a lot of women friends either in person or in friendster and facebook as what boss keith earlier suggested already,
    that way he could overcome his shyness and get more comfortable around women...
    And by that, i mean wholesome women tony, ok? lol
    And i hope you don't end up as a womanizer by the end of this process, lol
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

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