First of all, you need to discover venues filled with many Filipina ladies.. Start frequenting places where you know there will be a large number of pinays... example, dining out at Filipino restaurants at least once a week or even do some of your shopping at Filipino/Asian stores where you can chat up the employees or meet asian customers.
You also need to make yourself culturally aware of the differences that may exist if you get involved with an interracial relationship. Learning how to attract a filipina woman may require a little more effort.. you need to respect the traditional customs of a pinay, just like you would with any other culture. You can easily ruin a good date/prospect by making a cultural faux pas you weren't even aware of.
Although, it may sound stereotypical, many traditional Filipina women are accustomed to adopting a more "subservient" role than their Caucasian counterparts..(this is not meant as a derogatory statement, but more of a cultural observation) Therefore, you should make sure to present yourself as a "real man" who likes to take attract a pinay involves making the majority of the decisions and letting her feel she will be well taken care of at all times (example; during sex... a pinay is less likely to compete for a dominant role, she will be more likely to appreciate your confident take-charge attitude.
Lastly, please work on your SELF-ESTEEM (it is so important) always remember to maintain an air of confidence and control when exploring a relationship with women (be it a pinay, thai, japs, etc...)