Northerner,he doesnt need a far-eastern relationship,its not that simple and they are often quite complex affairs

He is best off looking closer to home,he is grasping for a pinay the way a shipwreck survivor grasps at anything hoping to stay afloat,I think he has deep rooted issues that need addressing before he even attempts a one on one with a woman,especially one who will chew him up and spit him out at the first sign of his insecurities

As for "I dont mind if she uses me" the last time I paid to be used and abused by a "Lady" it was £120 an hour with a discount for regular patrons

(and I never even attended public school)

Trust me tony,the last thing you need is a miss whiplash in your life,learn to like yourself,dont rush into a relationship at this stage,and good luck with your future