Guys, I had my visa application approved!
I apologize for not posting it sooner but I was waiting for the 2 spouses I met in VFS to get their visa as well. I didn't feel right rejoicing while they were still waiting.
My visa finally got approved after 4 months, well, minus the 6 days holidays the UKBA had after I lodged my application. Waiting was so hard. The last 2 months was a pure torture. If only I had read that they will be changing immigration law for student visa the week I lodged mine, I could have submitted 5 days ahead! It would have saved me from torture and anguish. (Reading, research and timing are really the key!) Oh well, I have my visa now and that doesn't matter anymore.
I would like to extend my gratitude to the following people:
To Boss Keith and Ate Ping, thank you so much for this wonderful site. It certainly help people like me.
To Mod Joe, thank u for your wisdom and answering all my questions and erasing my doubts. I know I can be annoying at times for asking again and again, but thanks for your patience.
Thank you everyone (especially my good friends here) for all your friendly advice, help and comforting words.
I know it sounds like a speech,but I wanna give credit to all of you.
I hope that the people still waiting and the people that apply in the future will be as fortunate as I have been. Not like the 2 spouses I met in VFS who got refusal.
God bless everyone.