Hi everyone again

I spoke to my friend today online and I happened to ask her what she had eaten today. The answer was "Not much of rice and chickens feet"!!!!

What dried foods or canned foods do you think might be good to send over in my balikbayan box? It seems to me that there isn't much protein in their diet so I'm wondering what I could provide....also rice is quite expensive there too isn't it of late so I think I'll send some rice. I know it's a staple but it will save some money if I do won't it...do you think dried potato would be appreciated as a change from rice? I'll get some tinned corned beef, and maybe the chicken roll and stuff like that? Sorry i know I've done nothing but ask questions but I am so shocked and I so want to help with useful things as well as nice gifts. What about baked beans? They're full of protein....hahahaha! Listen to me! I haven't even sorted out a box yet...giggle.
But really, what goodness is there in chickens FEET for goodness sakes?

Right, I'll shut up now and put my thinking cap on....tinned steak...hmmm...now there's a plan....lol OK I'm gone xxxx