Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Ah well ... [sigh] ... no more replies. Guess I'm 'flogging a dead horse' with THIS post!

Thanks to the two good friends who took the time to respond.

Seriously Arthur, All Souls Day is one important public holiday in the Philippines. Sophie is right, most families use this date for family reunions, etc. I haven't been to any cemeteries in the Philippines for the last 7 years, but I tell you the atmosphere is really amazing.

Just like Sophie's family, my parents secured blocks for themselves in a memorial park near our ancestral house. it sounded morbid to me before, but i now fully appreciate it. they've also decided to insure themselves for funeral arrangements and coffins as well (now this is giving me goosebumps ), but only pulled out because they've taken Pacific Plans which went belly up months ago.

I haven't really thought of my own death, as I will try to fight to live longer for my kids. But surely, I'll go there when the time comes. And I won't hesitate arranging everything as well before I bid adieu so as not to put more preasure to the love ones I am leaving behind.