Far from being "morbid" Olivia, I think the practice of taking out a "Memorial Plan" is an extremely sensible arrangement. Let me tell you a darkly-humorous story concerning this:
Towards the end of my last [3 months'] stay in the Phils, I became increasingly impatient awaiting the arrival of my wife's Spousal Visa. Myrna being a native of Mindanao - and, rather than having to take a 3rd flight to Manila to pick-up her visa - we'd opted to pay the extra Php 300 to have it delivered by the 'To Go' Courier. One day, an official-looking motor cycle drew up outside the driveway of the elderly relatives with whom we were staying. "Come quickly", I called out to Myrna ... excitedly pointing to the well-dressed dispatch rider. Rushing out of the house, Myrna suddenly stopped in her tracks and burst out laughing:... "Ahhh!" ... she finally exclaimed ... doing her best to speak between giggles ... "That's NOT the Courier ... it's the man who comes to collect Manang's memorial insurance premium ... !