This is rediculous! She has been seeing a 15 year old boy!..Whatever problems she has about your marriage, that we can't picture out.... We only know or can see one side of the coin. In any circumstances we always could give advice after hearing both sides but, because we only has your side then we will base our advices on that.
In my opinion, you can and must move on. File for a divorce ASAP. In this early stage of your married life she has done that to you. She has already found out or felt that she wants to be divorced or separated from you. Even when she was still in the Phils and had never been in the UK yet she already has that feelings or plans, i reckon. She just waited for the time to be in the UK, probably she wanted to see the country and then tell you she doesn't want the marriage with you anymore. Or maybe she is just after your money.
There are many filipinas with good heart, sensible and will give you genuine love. Don't let this ruin your outlook about filipinas. You deserve more than her. It's a shame she made this decision. It's her loss not yours.
I wish you the best of luck Socool..