and how long would someone last andy with a paper mcse ? a day

, i'm sure the numbers are nothing like they were around 2000, when you could take all your exams in 1wk and memorise 200 questions on each and pass
sure going to uni for the sake of it is not a good idea, but even if you think a history degree is useless, it shows in the majority of cases that the student can at least study, read and write at a higher level than a school leaver who doesn't. try a level 3 course at uni and see the standard required.
as for programming, i was one of them kids, at 18-21 i was earning a lot more money then, then i do now. but someone who has been to uni will have studied the boring theory side, something self taught ones will not be bothered doing, such as programming techniques to minimize bugs and be able to write a structured program, like JSP - showing my age

you need the theory so you reduce the risk of

something up, and yes it all becomes experience, something you cannot buy, and it takes time

. that's why i'm sure if 2 people had the same experience and one had a degree, the one with a degree would get the job, but if one person had a degree and no experience and another had experience of the job, the one with just the experience would probably get the job.
and i'm sure being at sea is a great life and adventure, but once your wed, with kids, then for me, they would come first.