opps sorry..must have pressed a key there that sent my message earlier......

yeah, i've noticed that too...around 4 months waiting period although there was i think one exceptional case which is at exactly 3 months and some, a couple of weeks more after the 3rd month.

just recently resigned from work though (actually reporting last day tomorrow)...decided to spend time with my family while waiting for the result. just praying and hoping for the best.

by the way, i am planning to go to the province for a while to visit my grand parents (have limited access to internet by then), aside from visiting the vfs-global website for tracking the application and e-mail notification, would you happen to know if you do get notified also via text message? I remember, I was notified then when I applied for tourist visa via text message that my application is ready for pick-up at VFS. I wonder if they do the same for this kind of application?

anyway, thank you again for your time.