Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
With the obvious out of the way. No offence taken I sometimes think that what Rizza and I are doing is crazy, but I've spent enough of my life playing safe to feel it is time to just go for it..
Hey Northerener I wasn't having a go at you...seriously
& I know you think I'm Mr. cautious.
This thread, is a result of the unfortunate situation Socool has found himself in.

We're all crazy, because we've all got on that plane.....I've always said to myself, this is crazy...still say it now sometimes, but I'm still here.
There are no guarantees in life, so yes you do have to grab them when they come along, but you still do have to becareful....Just make sure you grab the right one.
I sincerely hope, you'll be on this forum for many years to come, handing out your own advice.