It had a wild-west feel to it in the early days Jim,I first went there when Ermita was in full flow just before Mayor Lim stamped down hard and turned Del Pilar and its environs into a virtual ghost town

I thought I was indestructable back then,you know what kids are like,no sense of mortality,I had a bit of an accident a few years later on the Afghanistan/pakistan border and realised just how fragile we are

But pinas in 1990 was rough,I used to do "Back-door" night crossings with a few Badjao and tausug friends to Sabah,ferrying Illegal pinoys over to work in the logging camps and bringing duty free goods back to Pinas through Sitangkai,funny times

Pinoy Rastas?I met a good number,as you said good life for a kid,some of them go up to the cordilleras,sagada especially,buy cheap keys of grass and sell it to the puti on Boracay,Jah rastafari

Funny country,gets under the skin ringworm