Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
Pete.. Im telling you mate,you need to chill out a little before you give yourself a coronary!!
However,I know exactly how you feel .
These Government backed money generating schemes aimed at sponging even more money from honest hardworking easy targets like us are enough to make the blood boil,but you just can`t let it!!
I am fortunate as I am self employed and earn cash..
I have found that the best way for me to avoid blowing a fuse is to deduct any amount that I feel is unfair from my tax return..
I have always done this simply by only declaring what I feel is due..
It may not be right or fair but let me tell you this..I sleep very well at night!!
Unfortunately my wife does not as apparently I snore like a pig!!
Thanks Fred for the advices, I think youre right, I do need to chill out a bit, its just that sometimes I see red, do you know what I mean, yeah youre probably right me old mucker, maybe I should not care too much, I do the same on my tax return, deduct amounts for things I have to spend money on, its not really about that, its how I see the values we all shared in the 80's just slipping away, cant fly the Union Jack at your house, as its ....offensive, to a.n. others...you know the drill, its this politically correct bridgade I find hard to come to terms with, but as you have said, I should chill out eh ?

Best way to chill out : Truckers breakfast at the blinking owl cafe !! and a paper, nice piping hot cup of trea and 2 slices, what do you think Fred ?