Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
Boss, I highly respect your decision and I am pleased I am a member of a big happy family. I wish those members with black marks will soon changed for better and for good.

Thanks for your reply Ross. I'm not sure why she can still send you PM after deleting you but my bottom line is peace to both of you. I know your feeling as well as Joklet.

LIFE is beautiful indeed if you can sleep peacefully and not hurting other people's by having acid tongue to others. Life is beautiful if you will be on low profile and not too hambog na wala naman. Beautiful? YOU can always see it in your eyes how happy you are and not just pretending. Life is beautiful if you always tells true and you are not harming others. Alternatively yes Tawi.I want to see your eyes and see how beautiful is you in reality!

Life is beautiful if you have no enemies!!!! And if you have, you're always ready to forgive them.

Let us not LOVE neither in toungue nor in words but in truth and in deed !
oh yes peace to all
saying said dont judge the book by its cover..

Joklet whose that Mrs Penny? am bit confuse lol never had idea what do you mean

again peace to all