to all the forumers and speciaally to sir Keith and moderators

here is post of the good mrs jmajor..

any coiuld comment..whose being nice here i hopew she be happy on this..

those who cant understand the langauge the wife can explain to ther english husband..

here are her private msg to me in ym recently so folks enjoy and you mrs mjor i hope youll be happy and my aplogize for having had a bad english

): Oh di wla ng pumapansin sau sa forum nag a ask kna nmn ng help,halatang halata ka na noh, 8 hours na ung post mo,isa lng reply mo,mayabang ka kasi, papunta ka pa lng ng UK, hambog kna, pa quid quid kna, paano na kaya pg nasa UK kna,mabuhay kaya ng asawa mo ang 3 mong anak,mahirap buhay dito,bka mabalik ka ng pinas ang tanong ma bless ka kaya mgkaroon ng visa,hambog ka kasi eh! hambog mayabang ka, nag papakumbaba na ung tao,sige ka pa insulto pwah!! ano asan na ung nagbubugaw sau sa forum na awayin ako,di ka matulongan sa di matapos tapos mong katatanong tungkol sa application mo,ayosin mo kc english mo ng maintindihan ka"

now folks whose being rude here and whose trying to be pretend to nice here
she take to seriosly that she even threath me that shell kill me if i was infront of him now and block me from yahoo..and now she just posted me this hide to the hole mrjs mjor ..its not all the time that your up..
my apolize from those who can read this i just poted what she said on yahgoo not all as i dont wnt she be too embarass.and think im too bad of my english lol..i know that to the fact..mrs mjor madam..