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Thread: Can we have a chill and remeber why we are here please?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Can we have a chill and remeber why we are here please?

    Hiya all,

    Hopefully Mr Boss Admin will not mind me waffling on, im sure he is used to it now

    I first found this site back in 2004 and i think i joined in 2005 as andypaul I morphed into somebody.

    Somebody was a id I created as a protest because a few years back quite a few started to forget this site is of major importance to many people.
    Upsetting a lot of people and im sure made Mr Admin Boss wonder if it was worth the time, expense and hassle running the site. Then it was all about how many rep points people had and their post count

    Personally I dont care about all that we are all as good as one another

    This Site in the years I have been a member its saved marriages, a lot of money for people, free legal advice, helped people in what they thought were impossible situations, helped people keep in contact with family.For many on here I bet it has also been a great source of comfort in the bad times and a outlet of joy when you have the good times.

    You know those little milestones like geting the CNI sorted or finally getting the Wife her Uk bank account and details all sorted. You can mention these things on here but if you told people on the street in phill or the UK they look at you like you were crazzziee why your so happy. But on here you could celebrate with those who understand what it means.

    My point is that this site is very very important to many people. I dont think My Wife and I could have made it, let alone so quickly and simply. Even now everything is sorted visa wise, the Website is still of much use and a great place to be.

    So please lets have a big come together or if you dont cant stand the sight of someones avatar then block them and leave it at that...

    Let bygones be bygones, dont hold a grudge. Many of us who have been though the process understand how stressful waiting for paperwork and visas are and the stress of being apart from loved ones wheter spouses or family.

    So Peace Love and Lechon for all plleeasssee
    Let us help one another than beat one another up.

    Sorry if I sounded in any way bigheaded for writing a post like this. But im very passionate about this Site and I dont want to see it being stopped from doing its Job which is letting us help one another
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ping's Avatar
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    Thank you very much Andy. Its really sad to know that some or few people here in this site got a bad behaviour.

    You know what this site was created on my behalf in order to help people especially those fellow Filipina with British fiance.And it was based on our own experienced eventhough I applied my visa in Singapore the requirement from the British government are all thesame.But if you applied in Philippines there were some additional requirements
    from the Phil. govt. and thats why it takes longer and more money to spend.


  3. #3
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    Thanks for reminding us why we're all here andypaul aka somebody

    I forgot its u andypaul u changed it to somebody

    Well its sad to know that some people are like that here now few years ago we're all one big family here helping each other what happend to the forum now ....

    please let's all behave , i do hope boss keith will still keep this forum as it help us all a lot

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I agree with what youve said Kuya Andy, this site has always been a part of our life because it helps us big time with regards our visa application and I can say that Ive met some good friends thru this forum, whom you can talk to and share experiences and knowledge. It is just ashame when some people abused the privilege of being a member in here and using this forum against others..

    I know we cant please everybody but can we just please be civilized and act as mature and responsible people in here?

  5. #5
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    Excellent post! And I agree 100%.. To me this site is something I wanted Rizza to join, as it is a great source of information to me and I know she will benefit even more so Plus, I also see it as a gateway to the UK filipino community, through the members of this forum.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well said sir andy

    i would give you 2 green blobs, but you being a southerner, i can only give you 1

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well said sir andy

    i would give you 2 green blobs, but you being a southerner, i can only give you 1

    Anyone south of Stockport is a southerner to some mancs I know

  8. #8
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    You know what guys,i have no idea whatsoever when it comes to applying visa for uk but because of this site and all the friendly people who shared their experiences and knowledges when it comes to ukvisa, i am now with person which is now my husband,and you know this site will continue to help more brit-fil couple to have their dream family...keep it up mr&mrs admin
    Filipina a born survivor!

  9. #9
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well said sir andy

    i would give you 2 green blobs, but you being a southerner, i can only give you 1

    I dont want blobs or plaudits if Mr Boss Admin Po wants to hide my name on it thats fine by me. I just want our whoops Ok Ping po's Site ) to carry on for as long as possible and well done Joe on beating the gooners
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I dont want blobs or plaudits if Mr Boss Admin Po wants to hide my name on it thats fine by me. I just want our whoops Ok Ping po's Site ) to carry on for as long as possible and well done Joe on beating the gooners
    a match i believe they didn't deserve to won , but that's lady luck for you

    you dont want blobs, then i'll take it back

  11. #11
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Excellent post! And I agree 100%.. To me this site is something I wanted Rizza to join, as it is a great source of information to me and I know she will benefit even more so Plus, I also see it as a gateway to the UK filipino community, through the members of this forum.

    Indeed the things I have seen people helped on is huge. People checking out job offers and helping people not be scammed.

    People suggesting solutions to huge dilemenas (some times posters who only ever post a few times for their own personal reasons)

    The best is the blunt honesty you get on here. Which all the fools in love on here need ( we all get a bit silly in love dont we?)

    The est have to be people simply posting there own experiences which help those following them. I was amazed how people simnply recall there day at the embassy helped me and trhe wife with the CFO. Offering little pieces of advice which you can only get from people who have been though the event no offcial website will tell you.

    So the two of you Northner and Rizza please tell us your story we all love to share your ups and downs so we can help and support you. But also you will I can assure you help loads of people following in your footsteps
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    So the two of you Northner and Rizza please tell us your story we all love to share your ups and downs so we can help and support you. But also you will I can assure you help loads of people following in your footsteps

    I plan to do a photo blog for the trip to the Philippines in 2 months. And I am sure in time we will both contribute more to this site as we go on!

    Rizza is currently not 100% fluent in English (as a lot of Pinays here will remember of a time for themselves - no doubt), so I think in years to come we will go over the archive and see how much we have changed on this forum

    Who knows! But throughout the next so many years I know this site will be a part of our lives, like I know facebook or twitter will be a part of o many others lives. Except, this site, besides the banter; provides information just not found anywhere else. And a support network, which is lacking in other so called social networking sites

    Thanks for the efforts Keith and Ping

    And thanks for the advice and information in all your stories - you know who you are

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Well said Andy, I think there is NO need to engage in little wars about nothing...
    This forum has been great source of knowledge for me and I'm sure for the others as well.
    Have to say that if it wasn't for this forum we surely won't get our visa approved so easily...
    Another satisfied "customer"
    Jiri & Maricel

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Well said Andy.


    No blob then.

    Pity, it would be well deserved.

    Consider yourself blobbed.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Very well said Somebody!!!.

    Indeed this forum has helped so many people in various ways. I myself have been a member here since 2007 and since then i met friends with whom i can chat with and share experiences.

    I will share this message i made in Happy_now's thread entitled "Tell the Truth"(this is somewhat related)- if i remember right.. Not sure of the title..

    I'm thankful as well to be part of the forum. Logging in everyday or anytime i wishes to is just a part of my daily routine, i check my emails everyday and can't help to open the filuk forum at the same time. I have my own free time for i have chosen a job which doesn't require a wholeday attendance, such a stressfree life i may say!....I met few people who became such wonderful friends to me. I enjoy reading informative articles and the exchanging of views of the members. I like the humour section. Sometimes i make a big laugh and hubby is surprised and asks what is it all about?!

    And my heart goes out to some who are undergoing trials in their lives/emotional baggage i may say. Oh! such is life!.. ( I try to give some advice to the best of my knowledge).Thanks Sir Keith and Ate Ping for creating this wonderful site.

    It is a great feeling when we read articles that are very useful to us and those are free!!!!. Thanks to the the Admin, the Moderators and to all members who give time to share their experiences.... I am very grateful to those who take time to give advice... When we have some questions in our minds that need immediate answers we just post them here and we get the answers.

    So from the bottom of my heart...thank you very much indeed!..

    Lechon is my favourite Somebody!..Oh how i miss that crispy skin!..

    Cheers to all!..
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  16. #16
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post
    Very well said Somebody!!!.

    Indeed this forum has helped so many people in various ways. I myself have been a member here since 2007 and since then i met friends with whom i can chat with and share experiences.

    I will share this message i made in Happy_now's thread entitled "Tell the Truth"(this is somewhat related)- if i remember right.. Not sure of the title..

    I'm thankful as well to be part of the forum. Logging in everyday or anytime i wishes to is just a part of my daily routine, i check my emails everyday and can't help to open the filuk forum at the same time. I have my own free time for i have chosen a job which doesn't require a wholeday attendance, such a stressfree life i may say!....I met few people who became such wonderful friends to me. I enjoy reading informative articles and the exchanging of views of the members. I like the humour section. Sometimes i make a big laugh and hubby is surprised and asks what is it all about?!

    And my heart goes to some who are undergoing trials in their lives/emotional baggage i may say. Oh! such is life!.. ( I try to give some advice to the best of my knowledge).Thanks Sir Keith and Ate Ping for creating this wonderful site.

    It is a great feeling when we read articles that are very useful to us and those are free!!!!. Thanks to the the Admin, the Moderators and to all members who give time to share their experiences.... I am very grateful to those who take time to give advice... When we have some questions in our minds that need immediate answers we just post them here and we get the answers.

    So from the bottom of my heart...thank you very much indeed!..

    Lechon is my favourite Somebody!..Oh how i miss that crispy skin!..

    Cheers to all!..
    Nice one Iye

  17. #17
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I first found this site back in 2004 and i think i joined in 2005 as andypaul I morphed into somebody.
    Thank you Andy/somebody for revealing that you are ONE and the SAME person. In common with so many others [I'll bet!] I'd so often wondered what became of 'Andy Paul' ... whose reassuring presence was always around in my early days on this forum ... his distinctive avatar suggesting he was forever beavering away at his keyboard ... fuelled with a steely determination to fulfil his MAIN objective, i.e. HELPING EVERYONE who was fortunate enough to pass through our ranks achieve their against seemingly impossible odds.

    We owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude for your wise counsel, mate. Long may you ... and all the other stalwarts whose unstinting efforts combine to make this site SECOND TO NONE - and such a GREAT PLACE TO BE - go from strength to strength!


  18. #18
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    well said Andy

    my turn......

    This forum help me a lot and influence my personality, I can say now I am a strong woman who can face challenge in life even without my family around. I've met a lot of members here talking to them on the fone, chatting, exchange email in social network Facebook, friendster etc...that made me feel so accepted being their friend.

    To ate Ping who gave me alot of courage and inspiration to fight for my right and be strong for the man I love and to everybody who continue praying and supporting my case I am so grateful I've known you...thank you so much for this amazing site.cheers to the Boss (p.s don't spoil your bank holiday monday)

    To my fellow Filipina please let's be humble and accept our mistakes and be ready to forgive because I believe it's a sort of misunderstanding and insecurities that you don't need to bitch around and destroy your reputation. Learn to ignore things if that will lead you into negativity.(words from halfwit)

    Enjoy life and keep smiling
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  19. #19
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LEAHnew View Post
    well said Andy

    my turn......

    This forum help me a lot and influence my personality, I can say now I am a strong woman who can face challenge in life even without my family around. I've met a lot of members here talking to them on the fone, chatting, exchange email in social network Facebook, friendster etc...that made me feel so accepted being their friend.

    To ate Ping who gave me alot of courage and inspiration to fight for my right and be strong for the man I love and to everybody who continue praying and supporting my case I am so grateful I've known you...thank you so much for this amazing site.cheers to the Boss (p.s don't spoil your bank holiday monday)

    To my fellow Filipina please let's be humble and accept our mistakes and be ready to forgive because I believe it's a sort of misunderstanding and insecurities that you don't need to bitch around and destroy your reputation. Learn to ignore things if that will lead you into negativity.(words from halfwit)

    Enjoy life and keep smiling
    Can we put this as the lead post Mr Admin po Boss lord of Liverpool?

    Its so true many of the Ladies on here seem to change for the better with the coming to the UK and facing such tough challanges.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  20. #20
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Me - can't remember why I landed on this forum
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  21. #21
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Me - can't remember why I landed on this forum
    We moved in while you at the bottom of the well, when you came back up we were all here.

    Who cares why your here like everyone else im sure Mr and Mrs Admin wish you to be here along with the rest of us lesser mortals

    I know one thing you have helped many on here
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  22. #22
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Nice said Andy. This forum has been a BIG help for me when I was processing my visa. All the people here has given me valuable advises and I feel I should at least give something back by giving my monthly contribution to help the Boss run the site. Even though I rarely had time to come here, I know in the back of my mind that I have to pop in every now and then, knowing that I am still part of this site makes me feel at home with friends.
    I would like to repeat to all newbies and not this forum is a BIG HAPPY FAMILY and you are to follow the rules and respect everyone (including not to upset the Boss and Mods I see green blobs coming ), if you cannot adhere to this, then you are not welcome here.

    Err...I forgot...Do not upset Ate Ping...otherwise, you'll gonna regret it!

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  23. #23
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Nice said Andy. This forum has been a BIG help for me when I was processing my visa. All the people here has given me valuable advises and I feel I should at least give something back by giving my monthly contribution to help the Boss run the site. Even though I rarely had time to come here, I know in the back of my mind that I have to pop in every now and then, knowing that I am still part of this site makes me feel at home with friends.
    I would like to repeat to all newbies and not this forum is a BIG HAPPY FAMILY and you are to follow the rules and respect everyone (including not to upset the Boss and Mods I see green blobs coming ), if you cannot adhere to this, then you are not welcome here.

    Err...I forgot...Do not upset Ate Ping...otherwise, you'll gonna regret it!
    You're baaaaaaaaccccccccccck!!!

    Where have you been? Welcome back!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Hey Ms Beauty! I was soo caught up with work, how are you? Hope all goes well with you and family! Would love to chit chat with you some time, I will be working tomorrow :( No BH for me, bloody work!

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  25. #25
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    why bother

  26. #26
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Hiya all,

    Hopefully Mr Boss Admin will not mind me waffling on, im sure he is used to it now

    I first found this site back in 2004 and i think i joined in 2005 as andypaul I morphed into somebody.

    Somebody was a id I created as a protest because a few years back quite a few started to forget this site is of major importance to many people.
    Upsetting a lot of people and im sure made Mr Admin Boss wonder if it was worth the time, expense and hassle running the site. Then it was all about how many rep points people had and their post count

    Personally I dont care about all that we are all as good as one another

    This Site in the years I have been a member its saved marriages, a lot of money for people, free legal advice, helped people in what they thought were impossible situations, helped people keep in contact with family.For many on here I bet it has also been a great source of comfort in the bad times and a outlet of joy when you have the good times.

    You know those little milestones like geting the CNI sorted or finally getting the Wife her Uk bank account and details all sorted. You can mention these things on here but if you told people on the street in phill or the UK they look at you like you were crazzziee why your so happy. But on here you could celebrate with those who understand what it means.

    My point is that this site is very very important to many people. I dont think My Wife and I could have made it, let alone so quickly and simply. Even now everything is sorted visa wise, the Website is still of much use and a great place to be.

    So please lets have a big come together or if you dont cant stand the sight of someones avatar then block them and leave it at that...

    Let bygones be bygones, dont hold a grudge. Many of us who have been though the process understand how stressful waiting for paperwork and visas are and the stress of being apart from loved ones wheter spouses or family.

    So Peace Love and Lechon for all plleeasssee
    Let us help one another than beat one another up.

    Sorry if I sounded in any way bigheaded for writing a post like this. But im very passionate about this Site and I dont want to see it being stopped from doing its Job which is letting us help one another
    Spot on Andypaul or somebody hehehehe

  27. #27
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    well... i hope this is a brand new start for everyone.. specially those who wish/planning to bitch around...guess we have been warned time and again.. and it's about time we straighten up!

    seriously, this forum has been very helpful for me... i was able to find women with like-minds.. able to help in the littlest way I know how... offered help even if it isn't needed.. and asked helped when I was caught in a mind-boggling, spinning, overwhelming process of applying for a visa...

    to the forum founders, thank you for your patience and your help..

    to the moderators, thank you for always answering our queries may it be a repetition of old posts or a new one...

    to the active forumers, thank you for your contribution to the discussion... may you be always here to keep helping the new applicants...

    to all of us... well... let's all behave... hehehe...

  28. #28
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    I just want to thank Arthur for giving me good rep pts on this thread. I got 2 and one anonymous. I think i know who that is.... Thank you very much indeed!:xxgrinning--00xx3Thanks Ann...:
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

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