Very well said Somebody!!!.

Indeed this forum has helped so many people in various ways. I myself have been a member here since 2007 and since then i met friends with whom i can chat with and share experiences.

I will share this message i made in Happy_now's thread entitled "Tell the Truth"(this is somewhat related)- if i remember right.. Not sure of the title..

I'm thankful as well to be part of the forum. Logging in everyday or anytime i wishes to is just a part of my daily routine, i check my emails everyday and can't help to open the filuk forum at the same time. I have my own free time for i have chosen a job which doesn't require a wholeday attendance, such a stressfree life i may say!....I met few people who became such wonderful friends to me. I enjoy reading informative articles and the exchanging of views of the members. I like the humour section. Sometimes i make a big laugh and hubby is surprised and asks what is it all about?!

And my heart goes out to some who are undergoing trials in their lives/emotional baggage i may say. Oh! such is life!.. ( I try to give some advice to the best of my knowledge).Thanks Sir Keith and Ate Ping for creating this wonderful site.

It is a great feeling when we read articles that are very useful to us and those are free!!!!. Thanks to the the Admin, the Moderators and to all members who give time to share their experiences.... I am very grateful to those who take time to give advice... When we have some questions in our minds that need immediate answers we just post them here and we get the answers.

So from the bottom of my heart...thank you very much indeed!..

Lechon is my favourite Somebody!..Oh how i miss that crispy skin!..

Cheers to all!..