Quote Originally Posted by brian&maddy View Post
Hi Mick
Im sorry to read about your sentiment regarding the CFO, questioning your wife Jennifer about your previous 2 divorces. I think it is totally NONE of their business, wherein you have 2 previous divorces. All people makes mistakes in life. In my case I was divorced too, my ex was a jap and my fiance have had 2 previous divorces as well. And like you, they happened ages ago... previous wives are all history
I wasnt questioned about my fiance's previous divorces and i didnt give document regarding that matter. Maybe Jen, encoutered someone at the CFO in Manila, who is what we call here in tagalog as 'Mabusisi'. But dont worry too much Mick, they cannot hold Jennifer to go out of the country just because of your history of previous divorces. They have no right to do that. Remember you are paying them
Thanks for the quick replies, can I do the covering letter stating the dates of the marriages and when they ended in divorce, without explaing "why" the divorces happened?
I would think their only concern is that the marriages were legally dissolved?
But if I need to put “why” better to do it now and not have more problems and delay.