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Thread: any nurse working in Glasgow?

  1. #31
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by laeci_11 View Post
    more info about glasgow please!!!
    I'm a Scot my partner is from Manila, Ana finds it far easier to understand the Scots than any of the English people she has met, some English regional dialects are extremely hard to understand

    If you are outgoing and approachable the Scots will be very friendly and very nice to you, I sometimes find the English a bit stand-offish

    I actually think our Scottish and Philippine cultures have a lot in common although I find it hard to put into words why I feel that way, we do still have the close family ties, a common belief in fairness to each other and so on.

    You get free aircon for a very large part of the year, that is true and it rains a lot but where you jump out of airconditioned taxi's and into airconditioned malls we jump out of heated taxi's and into heated malls well sometimes the taxi's are heated

    In Glasgow, you are only 30 minutes from spectacular countryside in the form of the Trossachs indeed most cities in Scotland are only a few minutes from beautiful countryside.

    Glasgow has some fantastic architecture and some of the best Museums and art galleries in the country, it is easy and sometimes cheap to get a flight from Glasgow airport to most other parts of the country it is a major provincial hub airport in that respect.

    It's a cold place but the people are often warm and friendly and they really are not that hard to understand and I can tell you they will melt when they meet a warm smiling Filipino!


  2. #32
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  3. #33
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    I'm a Scot my partner is from Manila, Ana finds it far easier to understand the Scots than any of the English people she has met, some English regional dialects are extremely hard to understand

    Ana is not alone in this, Jim. Myrna's the SAME! With ME being a Scot too, she finds it easier to understand MY accent than most of the English dialects you find on *television nowadays. Talking of *which, we frequently have the subtitles switched on because I'm getting a bit hard of hearing ... though perhaps LESS so when watching Scottish programmes like 'Taggart'.

    Maybe Scots are more clearly understood because, on the whole, they tend to speak slowly and delberately.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Ana is not alone in this, Jim. Myrna's the SAME! With ME being a Scot too, she finds it easier to understand MY accent than most of the English dialects you find on *television nowadays. Talking of *which, we frequently have the subtitles switched on because I'm getting a bit hard of hearing ... though perhaps LESS so when watching Scottish programmes like 'Taggart'.

    Maybe Scots are more clearly understood because, on the whole, they tend to speak slowly and delberately.
    Ana likes the subtitles on a lot of programs in the UK and on a lot of movies

    Don't get me wrong her English is superb, she greatly outclasses the vast majority of English speaking Filipino's I have met but she still finds some accents hard.

    American English is the favoured dialect and accent but a well spoken Scots accent is one of the clearest forms of English there is, sure we Scots have a whole deep vocabulary of our own but most of that is well understood almost everywhere in the UK I could not say the same for Cornish

    I think it would be hard for most people to understand a drunk Scot in a bar in the east end of Glasgow, god I find that hard a lot of the time

    However the majority of us speak very clearly when we want or have too

    Cheers Arthur!


  5. #35
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Away and boil yer head. So you telling me that Philippines have the Glasgow kiss?
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Away and boil yer head. So you telling me that Philippines have the Glasgow kiss?
    Naw they don't an that's wan o the nice things aboot the place


  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by laeci_11 View Post
    hi!! i just got my visa last week. anybody here working or studying in Glasgow? i need some advice or any feedback about the place. i am enrolled in an NVQ course.
    Firstly congratulations on getting your visa..

    I would not recommend Glasgow as the first port of call if you are fresh out of the Philippines. You will have language issues, the accent is very strong. Indigenous English people have difficulty understanding a Glaswegian accent...

    I would suggest Southern England where there is a vibrant Filipino community, and good job opportunities. The downside is that its more expensive to live in the South of England...


  8. #38
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    We go to Glasgow for our Filipino supplies, it's a great place!
    i lived in the south of england for many years but found the friendliest people there
    were generally immigrants!
    Don't worry about Glasgow, you will love it and the people.

    Regards, Tommy and Lyn.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aikingmahal View Post
    One being Filglas and the other is still to be form with a group name, i think???
    When are you coming over???
    nice to knoe there is filipino association in Glasgow as well.

  10. #40
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laeci_11 View Post
    what's their language? scottish?
    Sorry what?I don't understand. Can you speak Scottish.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Sorry what?I don't understand. Can you speak Scottish.
    ach aye, it's a geg!

  12. #42
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    You'll get used to it with their language.
    During the first time I rang the DOLE office, it was also hard for me to speak with them. The office is in Glasgow and it will take an hour to finish my interview before I claim my benefits.
    pardon sir, again please! repeat again please

  13. #43
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    You'll get used to it with their language.
    During the first time I rang the DOLE office, it was also hard for me to speak with them. The office is in Glasgow and it will take an hour to finish my interview before I claim my benefits.
    pardon sir, again please! repeat again please
    There's me thinking it's because there's a big que with you standing behind people like Rab C Nesbitt.

    Rab: “Mary, you and I go back a long way to let a pound of dead meat come between us.”
    Mary: “Let's leave our sex life out of this.”
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

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