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Thread: Guys, I think I Need A Reality Check...Help Me Out Please!

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Spain since 1988. My wife has been here since June 2006
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    Sorry to pour cold water, but as you said you have only known the lady for a few days.

    I suggest you take a while longer and a few visits before paying.

    Of course you may choose to pay on the basis that you can afford it and want to help her anyway.

    I continued sending money to a former Thai GF after I had decided the relationship was not going anywhere. I looked upon it as giving money to someone who really needed it rather than giving the money to a big Charity with glossy mags. In that case the lady called me after about 6 months, thanked me for the money I had sent and said she was OK now and I should stop send the money.

    Again, some cold water, but at 44 do you want a ready made family? A friend of ours recently married my wife's best friend and now they live in Spain. She had a son of 3 and it was agreed that our friend would support the child but he did not want to be daddy. After about 6 months the fact there is a child in Phil is causing difficulties between them.

    At your age you could find a wife-to-be who will not bring possible problems. Its a personal view, but I chose to marry a single lady, without children who is 32 years younger than me. We are very happy and only have the 'problem' of family who believe we have a personal money tree!

  2. #2
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Sorry to pour cold water, but as you said you have only known the lady for a few days.

    I suggest you take a while longer and a few visits before paying.

    Of course you may choose to pay on the basis that you can afford it and want to help her anyway.

    I continued sending money to a former Thai GF after I had decided the relationship was not going anywhere. I looked upon it as giving money to someone who really needed it rather than giving the money to a big Charity with glossy mags. In that case the lady called me after about 6 months, thanked me for the money I had sent and said she was OK now and I should stop send the money.

    Again, some cold water, but at 44 do you want a ready made family? A friend of ours recently married my wife's best friend and now they live in Spain. She had a son of 3 and it was agreed that our friend would support the child but he did not want to be daddy. After about 6 months the fact there is a child in Phil is causing difficulties between them.

    At your age you could find a wife-to-be who will not bring possible problems. Its a personal view, but I chose to marry a single lady, without children who is 32 years younger than me. We are very happy and only have the 'problem' of family who believe we have a personal money tree!
    You should be a little cautious, it does sound like she is genuine, but why rush things just now. As for having kids there are increased risks for women who are in their forties, best of luck mate!

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