Thanks for the continued responses.
There's been a few points made which I'll try to address;
miss.piggy "I would like to believe that if NewShoes' girlfriend has got enough money to spend for her own annulment, then she won't hesitate to handle that herself as well" > I believe this to be the truth.
trader dave "i think i would actualy meet before i was even thinking of sending /helping your chatmate
believe me before you even start on this adventure i would do some serious thinking because believe me its not easy,there are many pitfalls on the way and thats before you even consider the cost financial and to your sanity"
>I actually met her in person and then only started chatting web cam in YM once I had returned to the UK.
>I have been in a long-term, living together relationship (6 years) with a Filipina who was already here in the UK so I'm aware of the highs and lows and frustrations of living together with a Filipina.
IainBusby "If I were in your situation, I would go and visit her again before you commit yourself......" > This is the point I'm most interested in and is the one which caused me the initial doubt as to whether I was proceeding too fast.
General points;
Yes she has a 6 years old child, i don't consider this a problem. I feel more comfortable with a person near to my own age whp has a child already, rather than a girl half my age who does not have a child.
Regarding the lawyer and his fees. I hear waht you're saying David House. There may be a way to get the fees paid direct to the Lawyer although I'm very wary of getting "too close" as I'm fully aware that if the lawyer knows there's a foreigner involved, the cost of the fees may go up accordingly.
Thank again to one and all who posted. I very much appreciate all of the comments received. plenty of food for thought.