Hi! Guys,
I have some question on here about getting the judges for the wedding. Is it really need that the judges will be the one to give the date of your wedding? I sorted things and it is our problem here for now because we just fix the date of our wedding this coming October.. as they said they change the policy and we need to follow their new policy for getting judges after submitting the papers they do a raffles on it and after the raffling we will know who's judge will handle the wedding then it is the time we will know when the wedding date is as he/ she is the one giving it

.. it is so frustrating to think so far from now

as we didn't expected it.

Anyone experiences on this matter when they do there wedding here in Cagayan de Oro? your opinion is highly appreciated ... thanks
hi sim & ladybug!
You know we have the same situation. Me and my fiance are going home this 17 of Oct to Philippines (i'm in Kuwait, he is in UK) to get married

. I ask my mom to fix everything like marriage license ,reception,etc... and get a judge to wed us. And my mom said the same thing, their new policy is to have a raffle bla...bla..bla...

, but luckily, i have my uncle who is working with a judge so they will magic it lol
My advice is, why don't you try to talk to someone who might know a judge and kind enough

to accept some kind of "lagay", buy him / her a gift or give few thousands so they will agree to the planned date of your wedding!
By the way my province is in abra, so we will be traveling all the way to the top of the mountain, it just worries me about the news,(road condition) about the landslides,broken bridge, floods...
But in the name of Love we will do everything to get there and have our wedding.
God, why do we always have to live with this kind of people????:

Good luck ladybug! wish you the best and hope to see your wedding photos soon. keep in touch ok? God is with us!