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    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Judges raffling?

    Hi! Guys,

    I have some question on here about getting the judges for the wedding. Is it really need that the judges will be the one to give the date of your wedding? I sorted things and it is our problem here for now because we just fix the date of our wedding this coming October.. as they said they change the policy and we need to follow their new policy for getting judges after submitting the papers they do a raffles on it and after the raffling we will know who's judge will handle the wedding then it is the time we will know when the wedding date is as he/ she is the one giving it.. it is so frustrating to think so far from now as we didn't expected it.

    Anyone experiences on this matter when they do there wedding here in Cagayan de Oro? your opinion is highly appreciated ... thanks

    Sim and ladybug

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I am Ladybugs fiance....this seems like a complete nonsense. We already have our wedding booked, with a venue.

    Now we are being told we have to be put in a raffle to get a judge, who will then tell us where & when we can get married.

    I just cannot believe this.

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post
    Hi! Guys,

    I have some question on here about getting the judges for the wedding. Is it really need that the judges will be the one to give the date of your wedding? I sorted things and it is our problem here for now because we just fix the date of our wedding this coming October.. as they said they change the policy and we need to follow their new policy for getting judges after submitting the papers they do a raffles on it and after the raffling we will know who's judge will handle the wedding then it is the time we will know when the wedding date is as he/ she is the one giving it.. it is so frustrating to think so far from now as we didn't expected it.

    Anyone experiences on this matter when they do there wedding here in Cagayan de Oro? your opinion is highly appreciated ... thanks

    Sim and ladybug
    In this situation money talks and the best thing to do is contact a judge directly and negotiate a fee for marrying you on your preferred date, He/She will charge you much more than the standard fee, but whoever performs the marriage ceremony, they will charge much more when they find out a foriegner is involved anyway. If you know anyone who knows a judge there in CDO it would be better to contact the judge through someone else rather than at the courthouse where other palms may also have to be greased. As I say, it will be much more expensive, P5,000 or maybe even P10,000, but at least your in control of the situation.

    By the way, try to do a deal whereby you pay the judge so much up front and the rest when he turns up to perform the nuptials.


  4. #4
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    In this situation money talks and the best thing to do is contact a judge directly and negotiate a fee for marrying you on your preferred date, He/She will charge you much more than the standard fee, but whoever performs the marriage ceremony, they will charge much more when they find out a foriegner is involved anyway. If you know anyone who knows a judge there in CDO it would be better to contact the judge through someone else rather than at the courthouse where other palms may also have to be greased. As I say, it will be much more expensive, P5,000 or maybe even P10,000, but at least your in control of the situation.

    By the way, try to do a deal whereby you pay the judge so much up front and the rest when he turns up to perform the nuptials.

    Hi! Sir Iain, thanks for the reply. Yes, I think for that too as money matters involve but it is really there requirement here for now even one of my friend's judges as she is the one we contact this time .. one of friend lawyer help me for these things but still same result ..she said that they can do marrying unless we under go to the raffling and after that it goes for ... we expected on it but it is only my concern now if they give us the date which not the date we are expected ... they recommend us one judge to Opol proper near here in the city but my lawyer friend said that the judge can't handle for the wedding because she is not in the City so still wasting of time ... our choices this time to under go for the raffles

    Oh, I never thought it is the amount I really hope not too expensive on it hope not.... ..just don't want to do under the table as it is really I dont like .. it is my experiences when I am applying as a teacher before and I can't go on that way ... For the payment, we only paid there inside the court of what they required but different payment when we out the judges so I think some more

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post
    Hi! Sir Iain, thanks for the reply. Yes, I think for that too as money matters involve but it is really there requirement here for now even one of my friend's judges as she is the one we contact this time .. one of friend lawyer help me for these things but still same result ..she said that they can do marrying unless we under go to the raffling and after that it goes for ... we expected on it but it is only my concern now if they give us the date which not the date we are expected ... they recommend us one judge to Opol proper near here in the city but my lawyer friend said that the judge can't handle for the wedding because she is not in the City so still wasting of time ... our choices this time to under go for the raffles

    Oh, I never thought it is the amount I really hope not too expensive on it hope not.... ..just don't want to do under the table as it is really I dont like .. it is my experiences when I am applying as a teacher before and I can't go on that way ... For the payment, we only paid there inside the court of what they required but different payment when we out the judges so I think some more
    Do you live in the city? Because we were told that we could also marry in My wife's barangay and also if we had a valid marriage licence we could then marry anywhere in the Philippines with that. You don't happen to know a mayor do you? Because they can also perform a wedding ceremony. Also if you can manage to contact a judge directly, I'm sure they will do it, because I'm sure that whatever the local rules are, they won't turn down the chance to marry a foriegner and earn themselves a few thousand pesos. I would also contact your friends lawyer again and tell them how desperate you are to marry on this particular day and ask, "How Much Will It Cost". In my experience anything you want can be bought in the Philippines........ for a price.


  6. #6
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Do you live in the city? Because we were told that we could also marry in My wife's barangay and also if we had a valid marriage licence we could then marry anywhere in the Philippines with that. You don't happen to know a mayor do you? Because they can also perform a wedding ceremony. Also if you can manage to contact a judge directly, I'm sure they will do it, because I'm sure that whatever the local rules are, they won't turn down the chance to marry a foriegner and earn themselves a few thousand pesos. I would also contact your friends lawyer again and tell them how desperate you are to marry on this particular day and ask, "How Much Will It Cost". In my experience anything you want can be bought in the Philippines........ for a price.

    Yes, I live here in the City ... but I really don't know some person doing like these .... coz for my living here i didnt attend parties or wedding just for Theresa dave when they invited me before ... so i have little ideas on it but I try to sorted out and we can do it when my bug is here so he will knows everything what things happening too and he can share his opinion..

    If it is in the province, well I can say that we don't have any problems on it as lots of people can help me for that too but it is not a good idea for me as you know what happen before ... just in short stories and I dont want to get it back or think it back my families will be here in this time too even my two sisters and brother-in-law come just for the wedding and bug's brother.. Only we want to have a safe and peaceful wedding that everybody feels the happiness and enjoy on it nothing to ask for as it is the things we wanna be just have a think if it will be messed up.. but any way, I am so thankful for your advice and yes, we keep contacted with my lawyer friend and we will do and update here too as it is all for us especially those who are getting married or having fiancee here in CDO ... cheers to all and we wish all thing be ok here

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    ladybug/simon contact MRS T I AM SURE SHE CAN HELP YOU some of our sponsers where vice mayor ect or why not get our reverent to sort out for you he will not try to rip you off

  8. #8
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    My dad can officiate... in Davao though... hehehe...

    Anyway, yes... they need to do the raffling so as to avoid having to pay for a judge (just like what Iain suggested) and have a wedding outside the courtroom... civil weddings, as a policy, must be done at the Judge's chambers... I do hope that you go through the right process (although there are still those that do not follow this policy) ... I do not agree though that you can't choose your date.. that's absurd! You can't choose the judge, but you can always choose the date... hayy...

    Good luck!

  9. #9
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    My dad can officiate... in Davao though... hehehe...

    Anyway, yes... they need to do the raffling so as to avoid having to pay for a judge (just like what Iain suggested) and have a wedding outside the courtroom... civil weddings, as a policy, must be done at the Judge's chambers... I do hope that you go through the right process (although there are still those that do not follow this policy) ... I do not agree though that you can't choose your date.. that's absurd! You can't choose the judge, but you can always choose the date... hayy...

    Good luck!
    My wife and I were married by a judge and we got married at Kings Haven which is now Kingstone Lodge not in the judge's chambers.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    My wife and I were married by a judge and we got married at Kings Haven which is now Kingstone Lodge not in the judge's chambers.
    yup.. because you paid extra for the Judge... aka bribe

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Florge;170184]My dad can officiate... in Davao though... hehehe...

    I do not agree though that you can't choose your date.. that's absurd! You can't choose the judge, but you can always choose the date... hayy...

    Hi! Florge, thanks... If your dad wanna be here much better then. We wish for that but we know that they can't handle marriages if it is not their area ... I said Yes, that we cant get our own date for the wedding as the Judges will be the one give it to you for there availability of the day so they really the one choose it but the registrar said lately that we just need to talk personal to the judge then things be ok on it as long as the Judges is available for that day and if not they said they have a pairing judges we can sort it soon and thanks for all your concerned here ...

  12. #12
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    just need plenty of

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    just need plenty of
    hmmmmmm yes, if you go through you spend some more or plenty of money if you not be wise and careful of dealing with them but we will sort it on ... or else

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    I hope you are considering a registered minister. As in our time, no judge was available that they, but people in the city hall referred us to a registered Christian Minister who performed the rites of our marriage.

    We didn't encounter any problems in securing the NSO certified copy of the marriage certificate after.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braveheart View Post
    I hope you are considering a registered minister. As in our time, no judge was available that they, but people in the city hall referred us to a registered Christian Minister who performed the rites of our marriage.

    We didn't encounter any problems in securing the NSO certified copy of the marriage certificate after.
    Hi! yes, we considering a registered minister too but I am devoted to Roman Catholic and my bug is a Protestant so what we agreed that we will have a civil wedding for a judges not for the Minister and my family will be said no for that but still we will see what we can do on it ... we thanks and appreciated your opinion !

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    oh don't get me wrong, i am a devoted catholic myself. but that's the only choice we had during that day. otherwise, my husband would have to exhaust his days allowable to stay as a tourist if we get to still wait for the availability of the judge.

    but he came back after a few months and we got married in the catholic church.

    oh, i really hope you can sort things for you and your fiance. best wishes and kind regards.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post
    Hi! yes, we considering a registered minister too but I am devoted to Roman Catholic and my bug is a Protestant so what we agreed that we will have a civil wedding for a judges not for the Minister and my family will be said no for that but still we will see what we can do on it ... we thanks and appreciated your opinion !

    me protestant MRS T catholic pastor protestant = no problem we never done any running around pastor done everything he may be old but as you know he is a comedian

  18. #18
    Respected Member jta's Avatar
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    hi ladybug/sim,

    I was wed in CDO back 2007, and we were lucky that we didn't encounter such probs. we filed marriage license in Opol, but I want to be registered in the city so then we went to hall of justice to see a certain judge ( a close friend of my friend ) to ask her if she is free on the date that we like and she chose to officiate in her courtroom because she was busy on that date and we only paid the standard fees there in hall of justice...maybe as u have said new policy... as others suggested why not contact a certain judge/mayor directly that u like her/him to officiate? Hope u sort it out and happy wedding!

  19. #19
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jta View Post
    hi ladybug/sim,

    I was wed in CDO back 2007, and we were lucky that we didn't encounter such probs. we filed marriage license in Opol, but I want to be registered in the city so then we went to hall of justice to see a certain judge ( a close friend of my friend ) to ask her if she is free on the date that we like and she chose to officiate in her courtroom because she was busy on that date and we only paid the standard fees there in hall of justice...maybe as u have said new policy... as others suggested why not contact a certain judge/mayor directly that u like her/him to officiate? Hope u sort it out and happy wedding!
    Thank you jta....your help is gratefuly appreciated

  20. #20
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Once again thanks to the reply here ... thank you my bug for be here on the thread too... I sorted it out this day again with my friend ate jocelyn as she is married in civil but still things the same coz we know that before, we can pick up the judges easily and they are there at the City Hall but for now they do marriages or arranges it to the Hall of Justice .. Yes, if you got married to Opol it is good as the Judges can handle it with no raffling but she can't handle when it is inside the City as we have Judges on here too. The office of registrar advice me for that or what we can do after the raffling so i think it would be ok just need my bug to be here then we will sorted it out... we so thankful for all your opinion here and I we will take some of the advices too .. for now we do pray and hope that everything be ok at all

  21. #21
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    Be back here now.... my bug fall asleep this time after eating of chicken neck and chicken legs for dinner.. he said yuckkkkkss... just need to say thanks to all the opinions you shared all on here.. for now it is seem to be ok when he is here with me.. We meet there in Manila and went to the Embassy changing his CNI ... I didn't think that they need my CENOMAR for that time as we don't have any idea but glad to bring it too so we have done on there for only half an hour to wait.. we've done some papers for pass few days at registrar and have a seminar for family planning too no need to paid a big amount on it as they only gave us a special counseling for 10 to 15 minutes just give donation after then you can stroll while waiting the certificate of the seminar and while waiting for the certificate of license too just 10 days including Saturday and Sunday ....well, things to be done as we are now waiting for the raffling tomorrow afternoon and still we hope that we can get a nice judge to handle the wedding ... wish us all luck

  22. #22
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post
    Be back here now.... my bug fall asleep this time after eating of chicken neck and chicken legs for dinner.. he said yuckkkkkss... just need to say thanks to all the opinions you shared all on here.. for now it is seem to be ok when he is here with me.. We meet there in Manila and went to the Embassy changing his CNI ... I didn't think that they need my CENOMAR for that time as we don't have any idea but glad to bring it too so we have done on there for only half an hour to wait.. we've done some papers for pass few days at registrar and have a seminar for family planning too no need to paid a big amount on it as they only gave us a special counseling for 10 to 15 minutes just give donation after then you can stroll while waiting the certificate of the seminar and while waiting for the certificate of license too just 10 days including Saturday and Sunday ....well, things to be done as we are now waiting for the raffling tomorrow afternoon and still we hope that we can get a nice judge to handle the wedding ... wish us all luck
    Hi again!
    Sorry was very late for the reply....anyway Good luck ladybug and sim!
    Hope we will do it too smoothly!
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post

    Anyone experiences on this matter when they do there wedding here in Cagayan de Oro? your opinion is highly appreciated ... thanks

    Sim and ladybug

    got married in davao, civil weding. Went to a regional trial court, approached a judge to minister it privately outside with our choice of location, paid 8000 php for an hour service and that also includes the filing of the document in the national statistic office (NSO).

  24. #24
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Well, we entered ourselves into the raffle & low & behold, the judge who was appointed to us, could only marry us on monday or wednesday at the Chambers of Justice.
    Not much good, seeing we had booked our wedding for a thursday.

    We had to write a letter, to remove us from their lists...we really didn't want to play their game & have to pay them, it would have left a sour taste in our mouths.

    Plan B...We went to see the now banned from the forum Mrs.Trader Dave...She took us to see the protestant pastor, who married her & Dave...What a character he is...3 months short of 80...At one point, Mrs T & I had to massage his back, in the lawyers office, to wind him as he had terrible heartburn. ...He was sure he was going to be called upstairs, before our wedding.

    We have to say a big thank you to Mr & Mrs Trader Dave, Mrs. T gave up a lot of time to help us. Her young son, was bible bearer at our wedding.

    In summary, if you just want a quick simple civil wedding, then the judge system might suit you...If you want to get married at the venue & date of your choice, you need to do your homework....This is certainly the case in the CDO area.

    Sim & Ladybug

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post

    .She took us to see the protestant pastor, who married her & Dave...What a character he is...3 months short of 80...At one point, Mrs T & I had to massage his back, in the lawyers office, to wind him as he had terrible heartburn. ...He was sure he was going to be called upstairs, before our wedding.
    tell me about it , the judge who married me and the misses is a friend of her moms, non stop jokes, and then she said "time for the most important part of the wedding... the food"

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    tell me about it , the judge who married me and the misses is a friend of her moms, non stop jokes, and then she said "time for the most important part of the wedding... the food"

    I'm not joking here, during the ceremony, the pastor suddenly started talking about 'Dunkin Donuts'. ...It only happens in the Philippines.

  27. #27
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Ladybug_sim;170085]Hi! Guys,

    I have some question on here about getting the judges for the wedding. Is it really need that the judges will be the one to give the date of your wedding? I sorted things and it is our problem here for now because we just fix the date of our wedding this coming October.. as they said they change the policy and we need to follow their new policy for getting judges after submitting the papers they do a raffles on it and after the raffling we will know who's judge will handle the wedding then it is the time we will know when the wedding date is as he/ she is the one giving it.. it is so frustrating to think so far from now as we didn't expected it.

    Anyone experiences on this matter when they do there wedding here in Cagayan de Oro? your opinion is highly appreciated ... thanks

    hi sim & ladybug!
    You know we have the same situation. Me and my fiance are going home this 17 of Oct to Philippines (i'm in Kuwait, he is in UK) to get married. I ask my mom to fix everything like marriage license ,reception,etc... and get a judge to wed us. And my mom said the same thing, their new policy is to have a raffle bla...bla..bla... , but luckily, i have my uncle who is working with a judge so they will magic it lol

    My advice is, why don't you try to talk to someone who might know a judge and kind enough to accept some kind of "lagay", buy him / her a gift or give few thousands so they will agree to the planned date of your wedding!

    By the way my province is in abra, so we will be traveling all the way to the top of the mountain, it just worries me about the news,(road condition) about the landslides,broken bridge, floods... But in the name of Love we will do everything to get there and have our wedding.

    God, why do we always have to live with this kind of people????:

    Good luck ladybug! wish you the best and hope to see your wedding photos soon. keep in touch ok? God is with us!
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  28. #28
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post
    Hi! Guys,

    I have some question on here about getting the judges for the wedding. Is it really need that the judges will be the one to give the date of your wedding? I sorted things and it is our problem here for now because we just fix the date of our wedding this coming October.. as they said they change the policy and we need to follow their new policy for getting judges after submitting the papers they do a raffles on it and after the raffling we will know who's judge will handle the wedding then it is the time we will know when the wedding date is as he/ she is the one giving it.. it is so frustrating to think so far from now as we didn't expected it.

    Anyone experiences on this matter when they do there wedding here in Cagayan de Oro? your opinion is highly appreciated ... thanks

    hi sim & ladybug!
    You know we have the same situation. Me and my fiance are going home this 17 of Oct to Philippines (i'm in Kuwait, he is in UK) to get married. I ask my mom to fix everything like marriage license ,reception,etc... and get a judge to wed us. And my mom said the same thing, their new policy is to have a raffle bla...bla..bla... , but luckily, i have my uncle who is working with a judge so they will magic it lol

    My advice is, why don't you try to talk to someone who might know a judge and kind enough to accept some kind of "lagay", buy him / her a gift or give few thousands so they will agree to the planned date of your wedding!

    By the way my province is in abra, so we will be traveling all the way to the top of the mountain, it just worries me about the news,(road condition) about the landslides,broken bridge, floods... But in the name of Love we will do everything to get there and have our wedding.

    God, why do we always have to live with this kind of people????:

    Good luck ladybug! wish you the best and hope to see your wedding photos soon. keep in touch ok? God is with us!
    Hi Marlyn & Kenny

    We are really pleased you have managed to sort your wedding plans & have got a judge to marry you.

    I'm sure if we had paid, we could have got one too...However, we really didn't like their policy & it left a sour taste in our mouths. If you marry in the Chambers of Justice, you can only have your family there, no extras like Bridesmaids, Flowergirls etc. as what we wanted for the wedding.
    There was a couple of frantic days, when we really weren't sure we could find someone to marry us, as we had booked our venue, some months ago.

    Yes, we want the wedding to be enjoyable with all the guest and families so we withdrew things on there and do the best things ...

    Couples getting married in the Philippines, really need to be aware of this new system, if they are hoping to marry at a venue & day of their choice...You could be disappointed?

    We wish you the very best of luck, on your wedding day this coming saturday. If it was anything like ours, you will have a great time.

    Sim & Ladybug

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    the reason why they are raffling the schedule for weddings is because the supreme court would want to distribute the load among the judges.. it was the intention that they would want to avoid having the judge do weddings at special venues other than his/her chambers.. since this is their rule.. that's the policy... it is precisely this kind of incident wherein people who know judges and would make "lagay".. that the Supreme court would like to avoid... but what do we do? we make lagay bacause we want to have a special treatment...

    the policy for civil wedding is that, it is done at a judge's chambers.. but still you want an entourage with it.. just like how you do it on church.. and if it can't be done, you get angry and would look for people who know judges and make "lagay"... nakupo!!! we know contributed to corruption... ayayayay....

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    the reason why they are raffling the schedule for weddings is because the supreme court would want to distribute the load among the judges.. it was the intention that they would want to avoid having the judge do weddings at special venues other than his/her chambers.. since this is their rule.. that's the policy... it is precisely this kind of incident wherein people who know judges and would make "lagay".. that the Supreme court would like to avoid... but what do we do? we make lagay bacause we want to have a special treatment...

    the policy for civil wedding is that, it is done at a judge's chambers.. but still you want an entourage with it.. just like how you do it on church.. and if it can't be done, you get angry and would look for people who know judges and make "lagay"... nakupo!!! we know contributed to corruption... ayayayay....
    Not good for Business, for the resorts that offer weddings & certainly not good for Tourism...This is a completely stupid & shortsighted policy.

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