This was the question i had in my mind few months ago before i joined here. I was asking myself with what kind of problem I am facing at the moment, joining this forum will be a good help or just to have reason being online most of the time

But then...honestly, as for me I think this forum gave me some peace of mind and sense of not being alone. Each one of us have our own personal reasons to which we joined here. But one thing for sure I knew we all just looking for group of people to which we can relate too and help us to what ever bothers u.

Grateful indeed...Im very happy that I found this. Though as of now Kevin cannot join here. But everyday I tell him every thread that could best interest him here. Same as I, Kevin is one of those lost soul who have enlightened here.

...just want to know, how about you? What this forum did to you that made you hook to this site and seems addicted to be here most of the time

Thanks Boss Keith as this is not only to socialize but a great avenue to build up friendship, great information and most importantly give you a sense of belonging.