Hope this is the right place to post this, I've done a forum search and no one appears to have mentioned this device? I just thought some folk that are short of funds might benefit in keeping in touch with family, it's not always possible to use computer and Skype /Yahoo for all families and txt is such an all pervasive medium in the Phils that I think this device can be useful for keeping in touch with family and extended family.
I've been using this for six months it's 1 peso for any relative to txt you and 1 peso for you to txt them, calls are not so reliable but do work, you really need to set up a separate USB microphone and configure the device to use voice, so voice is a bit more technical but it's still local Philippine call rates! (round about 5 peso a minute)
The device is a VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol phone) it works on most ISP networks that I have tried, there are problems using it in countries that bar VOIP traffic but they are few and far between.
Skype voice calls to mobile are around 15 pence from the UK and a little less to landlines (you're lucky if you have a working PLDT line in the Phils we were approved and they still hadn't installed it 6 months later)
The Plug and Talk user interface is not so great but it does work and txt is reliable and extremely cheap.
There are places in the UK that you can buy these devices, had to search a bit but eventually found the reference that pointed me there in the first place
Hope this helps someone.