I am a british citizan born here. I was told by a visa consultancy i would not get a visa for my darling wife to be ( a natural born philippino ) They said its because we have only spent 10 days together then nearly 1 year appart because she went to work in kuwait.We love each other dearly and said after one year working appart we will get together and get maried. So i said ok we wont go for fiance spouse visa but a visitors visa !! He then said she would not get that to. We are heart broken.He said its because she cannot show she wil return ie by having a job there or buisiness or strong family comitment. So now our plan is for me to go to the phils for 1 month. While there i will marry her and be a proud husband.THen we wil go to the embassy and hope to get a visa for her to return. WE think this wil work!! Help guys ?? WE have all the stuff we need but one area remains uncertain. The money or finances !! Obviously its going to cost me a lot of money to go there get married then the 585 visa fee to the ebassy. Her flight back to the phils from kuwait, and her flight to uk if they grant her visa. So my bank acount will maybe have only 1000 pounds savings left after all this. Will they acsept this as enought to take care of her when she comes to uk ??? The other thing is i buy and sel cars as a sideline and a lot of the money is from selling of cars i have stood. So my bank account will zoom from minimul savings to over 4500 savings as i sel of two cars i dont need. Some say they want regular savings across the six months payslips ?? and even though i have a 1500 pounds overdraught i can use, i mist not show any of the six months payslips in overdraught ??Help me please on the money side ? what is exactly needed ?? My p60 states i made nearly 28,000 last tax year.Help us build our loving life together guys. god bless. kenny.