Quote Originally Posted by marlyn&kenny View Post
THank you so so much your help is so very welcome. I thank you for advice about certificate of no impediment. And it seams it must be displayed for 21 days on notice boards before i get it.THe very gray area my friends are money !!!! What does the embassy want to see on my payslips and bank statements ??? Some say they want to see 1500 pouns minimum savings, others say over 2000 ?? And some asian friends from packistan say they want to see six moths of steady savings, and the bank statements must never show you are overdrawn. Ie i may have slipped intoi my agread overdraught of 1500 a few times. Can you Elaberate ?? And when i go there to phils to marry her i wilo use at least 2000 for air tickest and basic weedding. And leave 1500 in my acount at least.THis leaves a 1500 overdraught i can use and the savings left in as 3000 at my disposal to keap Her on arival.PLease help this is a very gray area. regards and respect. kenny and marlyn
The requirements for finances is not black and white. What the Embassy are looking for is that you have enough spare money to look after your wife without having to claim additional public funds. Obviously having some savings/investments, having spare money to save each month, and not being overdrawn helps to show this. Though if for example you are already supporting your partner (and can prove this to the embassy) it wouldn't necessarily be any issue if you didn't have any spare money each month.