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Thread: Let the car warm up ...

  1. #1
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Let the car warm up ...

    in cold weather before running it. Is this normal?

    I was really worried this morning when I was about to drop my lil girl to school, first - i had 3x attempted to start the engine but it just goes off after turning it on then the engine managed to stay on but I can feel that it will goes off at anytime or feels the engine was weak, second when i put it on 2nd gear it doesnt kick in properly, its just very slooow. Though, on my way back home seems running OK..

    Now just hoping that my car will be running OK when I go to work later

    I've had my car since June this year and its a Vauxhall Corsa GLS year registration was 1993 and its done only 52000 and also I hold a full driving licence alsmot a year now, so i dont have much experienced, so hope you guys can share your knowledge.

    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    I also want to add,this morning seems exactly temperature or cold just like last week when I
    was on early shift and I dont do this 'warm up' thingy before running my car, and I didn't get any problem...just this morning.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
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    yes let it warm up more so as the colder weather is on the way ........ just think how you would feel if your bf/hubby jumped on you before you had warmed up

  4. #4
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    it maybe be the battery is old and needs replacing,try and get it recharged and see how it starts.

    best let hubby know and you use his car?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    By a new car!!!

    A member on Win2Win traded in an old car under the scrap scheme for a new Kia, and paid £200!!!
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    in cold weather before running it. Is this normal?

    I was really worried this morning when I was about to drop my lil girl to school, first - i had 3x attempted to start the engine but it just goes off after turning it on then the engine managed to stay on but I can feel that it will goes off at anytime or feels the engine was weak, second when i put it on 2nd gear it doesnt kick in properly, its just very slooow. Though, on my way back home seems running OK..

    Now just hoping that my car will be running OK when I go to work later

    I've had my car since June this year and its a Vauxhall Corsa GLS year registration was 1993 and its done only 52000 and also I hold a full driving licence alsmot a year now, so i dont have much experienced, so hope you guys can share your knowledge.

    I can't promise that this is your problem but same thing happened to me the other week.

    If the car is normally fine and starts fine but then seems unreliable when the weather is wet or cold then it's a good chance that your distributor cap is cracked or just lost it's ability to insulate, also possible that the isulation of your ignition leads might be breaking down as well.

    If this is your problem it's not an expensive repair.

    As BAB says could be the battery if you are only doing a lot of short runs, I thought the same about my year 2000 Honda Accord, but it turned out to be Distributor cap and leads, first fault I've ever had on the car in 116,000 miles


  7. #7
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    I can't promise that this is your problem but same thing happened to me the other week.

    If the car is normally fine and starts fine but then seems unreliable when the weather is wet or cold then it's a good chance that your distributor cap is cracked or just lost it's ability to insulate, also possible that the isulation of your ignition leads might be breaking down as well.

    If this is your problem it's not an expensive repair.

    As BAB says could be the battery if you are only doing a lot of short runs, I thought the same about my year 2000 Honda Accord, but it turned out to be Distributor cap and leads, first fault I've ever had on the car in 116,000 miles

    I would add that it is also worth check and replace spark plugs - had similar problems last year in cold weather with my car - after the plug replacement and ignition adjustment through the MOT it improved significantly...
    Jiri & Maricel

  8. #8
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    Or it could it all be the fault of the superconductive magnetic infindibulator....

  9. #9
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    Order a new car from ebay!

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Order a new car from ebay!
    Your gambling whether it comes in a secure box or a useless jiffy bag though!
    Keith - Administrator

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