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Thread: Mrriage requirements, HELP !!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    N. Wales, Wrexham
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    Mrriage requirements, HELP !!!!

    This is a list of things which I am required to send to mahal ko, asap...
    Ok we decided to get married in church... Do they actually need all those certificates?? I mean Baptism, confirmation...?? I can understand the other bits... Is there any way to bypass those two stumbling block, as I find it very difficult having to go to Italy and search for this stuff... I cant even remember where the church is anymore...But as I understand, If I claim not to be Catholic, I could get away with just the Birth certificate.
    Advice, please.

    1, Civil Status from the respective Consulate / Emabassy legal capacity italian british.
    2, Baptismal Certificate ( for Catholic person).
    3, Confirmation Certificate (for Catholic person).
    4, Birth Certificate for non-Catholic.


    1, Declaration of Absolute Divorce ( from Civil Court).
    2, Declaration of Freedom to Marry from Catholic Matrimonial Tribunal & Annulment ( from the Chancery of the State where one sides).

  2. #2
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    you can check this site.... and try to send them an email re. your inquiry.


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