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Thread: Fiancée visa app and daughter staying in Philippines

  1. #1
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    Fiancée visa app and daughter staying in Philippines

    Hello friends.

    I have a question I hope someone can advise me regarding our fiancée visa application.

    My fiancée has a two year old daughter from a previous relationship. Her daughter is being brought up by her parents and they have looked after her while she has been living abroad for the past few months. She doesn't plan on bringing her daughter to the UK with her because she is settled, and her parents will continue to raise her at home.

    My questions are:

    Is this something that should be explained in the application? ..perhaps in the 'any other information' part at the end of the app form?

    If she doesn't say anything about her future plans for her daughter is it likely to be something they might want to discuss with her in an interview? Could this affect her application?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you should search on here, for 'sole responsibility'

    but you could face problems with showing your g/f has 'sole responsibility' if her parents have and are looking after her daughter for a long period of time.

    you say they have for 3 months now, but will they continue to, while you wait the result of your visa app, and then you say, your g/f will not be bringing her daughter with her straight away, so your looking at a year+ that her parents will have looked after her daughter.

    the size of the risk, i would have thought small but even still, its a risk of refusal for her daughter. thou if she was refused, she may succeed on appeal.

    is the father mentioned on her birth cert, does the child still have contact with the father?

  3. #3
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    sorry maybe i didnt explain well enough...

    what i mean is she has no plans on ever bringing her daughter here. or at least not for the forseeable future. her daughter is very much settled with her mother and she wants to leave her where she is.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i see, i thought you made a typo , i thought you meant she would bring her here when she is settled,

    like you said in the additional info, i would mention that, at a future date once your g/f is settled, that she will want to bring her daughter here.

    i know you said she has no intentions of, but is your g/f 100% sure she will not change her mind? i know most filipina's on here have brought their kids to the uk.

    but if she has no intentions of bringing her here, i would probably just leave it blank or mention that her parents will be looking after her daughter, but doing this could make it diffiucult for your g/f to bring her daughter to the uk if she ever changes her mind.

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    yes thats the issue... to mention it or not.

    im just thinking if she says she has a daughter but then doesn't give any plans for the future they might wonder what those plans are.

    although her plans are to leave her there at home, maybe she will change her mind who knows.

    at this stage we are just hoping for a successful application. but its difficult to know in to what detail to give future plans regarding her daughter.

    so if she says she might want to bring her in the future... would that affect the application?

    and if she says she doesn't that might affect a future application for her daughter?

    difficult decision. because its sort of answering a question they dont ask.

    thanks for your response.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    that''s the problem if you put in writing that her parents will be looking after her daughter because she is settled with them, and because of what I've said about 'sole responsibility' , if your g/f changes her mind, and then decides she wants her daughter to live with her, or what happens if her daughter when older, wants to be with her mom, i think she could well have problems getting a visa.

    yes and your right if you don't mention her plans for her daughter they might ask.

    but if i was you, i would put that once your g/f is settled you intend to apply for a settlement visa for her, just in case your g/f does decide to change her mind, but you could still have the problems of 'sole responsibility'

    no i would not have thought it would effect your g/fs future visa's if she said this, because you could always say your not settled you've not applied for a visa for her.but i doubt they would ever ask about her again.

    but mentioning that her daughter will be living in the phils with her parents could effect her daughters chances of getting a visa in the future, someone on here has recently had a settlement visa for their child refused for a similar reason, they had worked aboard and i think her parents looked after the child, if i remember correctly they were refused because of 'sole responsibility',

    i suppose your g/f has to really consider the consequences of her actions, and could she ever be apart from her daughter for ever ?

  7. #7
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony rome View Post
    yes thats the issue... to mention it or not.

    im just thinking if she says she has a daughter but then doesn't give any plans for the future they might wonder what those plans are.

    although her plans are to leave her there at home, maybe she will change her mind who knows.

    at this stage we are just hoping for a successful application. but its difficult to know in to what detail to give future plans regarding her daughter.

    so if she says she might want to bring her in the future... would that affect the application?

    and if she says she doesn't that might affect a future application for her daughter?

    difficult decision. because its sort of answering a question they dont ask.

    thanks for your response.
    My wife also has a daughter who is now here in the UK. In our case my wife came here on her own and we brought my step-daughter here a year later. My wife filled in the details of her daughter on the visa application form but ticked the box to indicate that her daughter would not be travelling to the UK with her.

    The issue was covered however when I said in my letter of support that we fully intended to apply for a visa for her to join us in the UK at a later date when her mother had settled in and had become acclimatised so to speak.

    Does your wife intend to send money to the Philippines to support her daughter? If so it would be wise to keep evidence of this which will help to establish her responsibility for the child should she decide later that she would like to bring her daughter to the UK.


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    thanks for your replies.

    so i think the best thing to do is say that we will apply for her daughter to come over at a later date. just in case. the last thing i want to do is jeopardise her daughters future.

    but is this something that might affect a successful application? as they are opening the doors to two people rather than one. so to speak.

    and how much information should i put about the father? he has only visited his daughter once and given little in the way of support.

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    thinking about it: if i say we would like to bring her daughter over in the future would they then analyse my finacial capacity to support a child as well as her?

    Im thinking to put something along the lines of.. for the time being our plans are to leave her daughter where she is. but at some point in the future we may apply for her to join us here when xxxx is settled here and our circumstances permit.

    i hope that wont be seen as too vague for future plans.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony rome View Post
    but is this something that might affect a successful application? as they are opening the doors to two people rather than one. so to speak.

    and how much information should i put about the father? he has only visited his daughter once and given little in the way of support.
    Quote Originally Posted by tony rome View Post
    thinking about it: if i say we would like to bring her daughter over in the future would they then analyse my finacial capacity to support a child as well as her?

    Im thinking to put something along the lines of.. for the time being our plans are to leave her daughter where she is. but at some point in the future we may apply for her to join us here when xxxx is settled here and our circumstances permit.

    i hope that wont be seen as too vague for future plans.
    no, her daughter staying in the phils will make no difference to your g/f's visa app, your sponsoring just your g/fs visa app not her daughters, many on here have left thier kids in the phils and successfully applied for a settlement visa at a later date for them, i've done it myself with my stepson.

    i wouldn't bother mentioning the father, like i said your not applying for a visa for her daughter (yet). thou i would mention, your g/f's parents will be looking after the child, as she has little or no contct with her father and your g/f will be financially supporting her daughter as well as making many of the decisions which effect her.

    no, you will only need to worry about supporting your g/f, as at this moment in time, your only sponsoring her visa app. you will only need to worry about her daughter, if and when you apply for a settlement visa for her, and by that time you both would be settled and be married, and possibly your wife could be working by then.

    what you've said should be fine, but i would mention that she has little or no contact with the father, and her parents will be taking care of her, but your g/f will still be supporting her financially and emtionally ???? does your g/f thou ??

    being vague might be good, becuase i wouldn't want your g/f to lie about her plans for her daughter, but unless shes 100% sure she will not want her to live with you, i dont think you have much choice but try to keep your options open. becuase if you put on the visa app that her parents will be looking after her for good, and then she changings her mind, the embassy could look at her orginal visa app.

    so keep a copy of the visa app, even better scan it in, and if you do apply for a visa for her daughter, you can send a copy of the visa app of your g/fs stating you may want her daughter to settle in the uk.

  11. #11
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    thank you very much joe. that is a great help. much appreciated.

    but while i can say she will be making any decisions that effect her daughters future.. surely i cant really say she will be supporting her daughter financially as she cant work while she is here untill her immigration status permits it.

    she does recieve a bit of help from the father from time to time. but not much.

    i just want to be honest. but not jeopardise the application.

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    once your g/f is married and has FLR she can work.

    i think if your g/f does change her mind and wants her daughter in the uk, she will struggle to show she has 'sole responsibilty' becuase to me she doesn't have, so getting a visa for her daughter could be a problem anyway.

    not many on here leave thier kids in the phils. and the longer you leave it, the more difficult it can be to get a settlement visa..

    your g/f has no bonding with her daughter?, i dont think i've come across a filipina who felt like that b4 about their child. everyone i can remember sooner or later got their kids to the uk.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony rome View Post
    Hello friends.

    I have a question I hope someone can advise me regarding our fiancée visa application.

    My fiancée has a two year old daughter from a previous relationship. Her daughter is being brought up by her parents and they have looked after her while she has been living abroad for the past few months. She doesn't plan on bringing her daughter to the UK with her because she is settled, and her parents will continue to raise her at home.

    My questions are:

    Is this something that should be explained in the application? ..perhaps in the 'any other information' part at the end of the app form?

    If she doesn't say anything about her future plans for her daughter is it likely to be something they might want to discuss with her in an interview? Could this affect her application?

    Thanks in advance.
    Hi Tony,

    My advice to you would be to fully explain the issue with the immigration officials. I should not hurt your case. However, if you are discovered later to have not supplied all the relevant information... this may adversely affect your application.


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