Quote Originally Posted by Labuyo View Post
Yes, Mr Clever Dick, (dick being the operative word here) Mr 'Magellan' might have discovered numerous things, if you believe what is written.
I think other people already discovered Filipinas way before him. Like the people already living there.....

I obviously discover certain things before you. Like common sense and civility.
Sorry to be blunt, but you were uncivil and facetious. So I reply in kind.

Is this the way certain people 'welcome' newcomers on this site??
I'm sure it's not the norm after all the kind thoughts and advice since.

Thanks, all you positive people!!!
I love this sweet Filipina and I will go the the last mile for her.
I would have assumed at your age you would have learnt a few manners,I guess not,took you a whole day to think of it though if your going to be rude I guess its what I would expect of someone who likes kids 30+ years his junior