First of all, let me welcome you in the forum.
You will find lots of friendly advice from people of all walks of life, that have gone on the expensive, painful and heartbreaking LDR path, and come out at the other end, far stronger and happier for having undertaken that journey.
I strongly advise you to read everything on Peter's website .
Mull over, and digest what you have read, and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to post.
But before you do that, try to use the search function with some keywords.
Usually, someone, some other time, will have asked exactly the same, and the answer/s will be found there within the various replies.
As you may have noticed, I did highlight a part of your post.......
It is for every newbie on the forum, do not part with any money, no matter what the emergency is....
That is unless you have personally met the lady in question and you are 100% satisfied that she is genuine.
Just to be on the safe side.
Lots of members will agree with me, that unfortunately some ladies do trawl the net for scamming the innocent and unwary.
And the "few" seem to give the good ones a bad name.
Again, a warm welcome.