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Thread: The Obedient Wife...

  1. #1
    Respected Member RuBiX's Avatar
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    The Obedient Wife...

    'The Obedient Wife'
    There was a man, who had worked all his life, had saved all of his money,
    And was a real miser when it came to his money.

    Just before he died, he said to his wife...'
    When I die, I want you to take all my money
    And put it in the casket with me.

    I want to take my money to the afterlife
    With me.'

    And so he got his wife to promise him, with
    All of her heart, that when he died, she would
    Put all of the money into the casket with him.

    Well, he died.

    He was stretched out in the casket, his wife
    Was sitting there - dressed in black, and her friend was sitting next to her. When they
    Finished the ceremony, and just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket,
    The wife said,

    'Wait just a moment!'

    She had a small metal box with her; she
    Came over with the box and put it in the
    Casket. Then the undertakers locked the
    Casket down and they rolled it away.

    So her friend said,
    'Girl, I know you were not foolish
    Enough to put all that money in there with
    Your husband.'

    The loyal wife replied,
    'Listen, I'm a Christian;

    I cannot go back on my word. I promised
    Him that I was going to put that money into
    The casket with him.'

    You mean to tell me you put that money
    In the casket with him!?!?!?'

    'I sure did,' said the wife.
    'I got it all together, put it into my account,
    And wrote him a Cheque....
    If he can cash it,

    Then he can spend it.'

    Send this to every clever female you
    Know, and
    To every man who thinks they are
    Smarter than women!!!

  2. #2
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    You should always live within your income, even if you have to rob a bank!

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

    7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
    6 — Plane of Forces
    5 — Astral Plane
    4 — Mental Plane
    3 — Too mysterious to describe.
    2 — Too mysterious to describe.
    1 — Too mysterious to describe.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Nice one RuBix!
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  4. #4
    Respected Member yam's Avatar
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    hahahha thats funny

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