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Thread: chinese mentality

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) HKKJAI's Avatar
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    chinese mentality

    yea, i get fed up with some chinese (HK) ple, as they just want to stick with in their own groups and can be extremely narrowminded. If you dont look like them or behave like some of them, they dont accept you

  2. #2
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Whats your point? Chinese people are everywhere in the world.

    I think they integrate well in the places they go and they don't cause too much problems. Food is always good.

    Try speaking to them, some Chinese do not understand western culture as much as you think, because often they do not see outside China. The state media controls alot of what they see and do, so it can be difficult to trust westerners. Therefore, they keep with family. Understandable behaviour.
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  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HKKJAI View Post
    yea, i get fed up with some chinese (HK) ple, as they just want to stick with in their own groups and can be extremely narrowminded. If you dont look like them or behave like some of them, they dont accept you
    You'll find many threads on this forum that Filipina's do exactly the same

    It happens in every culture, go to Leeds or Birmingham, seperate groups of religion and culture.

    Go to Spain, little English towns have been built so we don't have to mix with the locals!!
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Whats your point? Chinese people are everywhere in the world.

    I think they integrate well in the places they go and they don't cause too much problems. Food is always good.

    Try speaking to them, some Chinese do not understand western culture as much as you think, because often they do not see outside China. The state media controls alot of what they see and do, so it can be difficult to trust westerners. Therefore, they keep with family. Understandable behaviour.

    Very true. Now extend the idea to areas within a city... Large ethnic communities form ghettos where they try and recreate their own culture and if allowed, create informal judicial systems... This is particularly visible in London, try walking out (if you dare) in Tooting, Croydon, Streatham and Brixton in the evening. Its not evident that your are in the UK at all.

    The real issue is the reluctance to integrate, and for minority communities to realise that integration does not mean losing ones cultural identity.


  5. #5
    Respected Member belfast_dude's Avatar
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    it is common practice...when european people go on holiday...they mix with people from their own country. it is normal for people to behave this way. i remember when i was in philippines in may 2009...i was in a building and heard a english guy naturally i started to talk to is only was good to talk to a u.k. guy there....even if he was a man united

  6. #6
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Whats your point? Chinese people are everywhere in the world.

    I think they integrate well in the places they go and they don't cause too much problems. Food is always good.

    Try speaking to them, some Chinese do not understand western culture as much as you think, because often they do not see outside China. The state media controls alot of what they see and do, so it can be difficult to trust westerners. Therefore, they keep with family. Understandable behaviour.
    Got to disagree Gary,the reason they are successfull is because they DONT integrate,they are incredibly insular people,visit Vancouver I was in Hong Kong prior to and during the handover,the amounts of HK chinese wanting out and trying for Canadian passports was huge,they prefer to be in the same neighbourhoods,chat in Cantonese or if mainland mandarin or a dialect,eat chinese foods,shop in chinese stores and associate with other chinese nationals,thats one of the reasons triad and snakehead gangs are so difficult to infiltrate,they dont trust non-chinese

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