Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
they know how expensive it is here, most of them have been here to visit us. i just cant say no to the kids i feel so sorry for them, as i know they have very little to play with. i think most of this stems from me feeling guilty about the life my hubby gives us, i know how hard life can be back home, so i try to give them everything they ask for.

in the beginning it was just my sons old toys, old consoles, but all that is gone now. i am staring at my box wondering what to get to fill it up
Give what you can and stop there, this is not a rich country any more and will be a lot less rich soon enough. The kind of things it sounds like they are asking for will not make their lives any better, it's ephemeral stuff, here today gone tomorrow and doing little or nothing for their future.

Hands out at Christmas is not nice, particularly if they have been here and seen the costs already and particularly when they are not making much attempt to keep in touch with you.

1k is way more than enough already!
