Quote Originally Posted by Durkhaima View Post

Sad to say you cant hide anything from the benefits people. My husbands benefits were stopped and his situation was investigated and he was only in the Phils for 6months!!! But this happened after i entered UK.

My advise to you is come clean as soon as possible. Let the council know and maybe they will help you.

Sorry i forgot to ask, where are you now? Still in the Phils or are now in the UK?

Thanks very much for your info, it really is a great help, I am currently in the Phils and wanting to arrange all i can while here but it seems its going to be difficult when i am supposed to be there! Its a bind i shall have to deal with, i woud like to work but my head is just not with it right now i get very bad breakdowns and panic attack when i am put in situations i cannot deal with. But it seems it can be done so i shall persevere.
Thank you all again for your help here, it really is a great site