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Thread: Very Different which visa do or can I apply for?

  1. #1
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    Very Different which visa do or can I apply for?

    Hi all, I have been reading this forum for a while now and dont know what to do.

    Please advise me anyone if you can please,
    I am british guy who is now married to filipino lady and we have had recently had baby in the philippines, I have a mental problem and was signed off from work (nervous breakdown along with severe depression) I sorry I cannot go into it,, Anyway i am receiving benefits because i cannot work and they also pay my rent for my home, I have been married a year now and have stayed with my wife in province but have not told benifits people as they will stop my money and without it i would surely be in dilemma, I know some of you will frown on me but i only recently got my life back together after near death suicidal thoughts and to now have a wife and child has changed my life for the better. Please dont judge I really have been through hell but may make it back to reality.

    Well I would like to ask if anyone here could advise me on how I could get my wife and child back to the UK, I think its impossible as I cant work and i am on benifits but wonder if I could borrow money off my family to put in the bank to show the visa people would it be possible and how much would i need to lend? Has anyone here ever been granted a spouse visa who not cannot work? Without my wife and child back with me in the UK i cannot see my life going on, I sure if they got back to uk I would be able to rebuild my life again and would be able to get back to work in normal places.

    My situation I been married nearly a year,
    have a child a few months old,
    have a rented home which the council pays the rent for me
    am on incapacity benefit
    can borrow maybe off my family to show savings but apart from that I have nothing else...

    Please anyone anywhere please say anything what you think is there any chance what so ever I will be able to live with my wife in the UK

    Please write anything you think maybe helpful or your opinion i would like to see any ideas, I need to be with my family but am so sad right now..
    I will look every day here
    thank you for taking the time to read this

  2. #2
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inlovebutstuck View Post
    Hi all, I have been reading this forum for a while now and dont know what to do.

    Please advise me anyone if you can please,
    I am british guy who is now married to filipino lady and we have had recently had baby in the philippines, I have a mental problem and was signed off from work (nervous breakdown along with severe depression) I sorry I cannot go into it,, Anyway i am receiving benefits because i cannot work and they also pay my rent for my home, I have been married a year now and have stayed with my wife in province but have not told benifits people as they will stop my money and without it i would surely be in dilemma, I know some of you will frown on me but i only recently got my life back together after near death suicidal thoughts and to now have a wife and child has changed my life for the better. Please dont judge I really have been through hell but may make it back to reality.

    Well I would like to ask if anyone here could advise me on how I could get my wife and child back to the UK, I think its impossible as I cant work and i am on benifits but wonder if I could borrow money off my family to put in the bank to show the visa people would it be possible and how much would i need to lend? Has anyone here ever been granted a spouse visa who not cannot work? Without my wife and child back with me in the UK i cannot see my life going on, I sure if they got back to uk I would be able to rebuild my life again and would be able to get back to work in normal places.

    My situation I been married nearly a year,
    have a child a few months old,
    have a rented home which the council pays the rent for me
    am on incapacity benefit
    can borrow maybe off my family to show savings but apart from that I have nothing else...

    Please anyone anywhere please say anything what you think is there any chance what so ever I will be able to live with my wife in the UK

    Please write anything you think maybe helpful or your opinion i would like to see any ideas, I need to be with my family but am so sad right now..
    I will look every day here
    thank you for taking the time to read this
    hello and welcome
    i send you on your private messege just check it pls?

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    get some help from your local law centre, many have immigration lawyers who can give you some free advice.

    and then go to citizen advice, and also get help from them.

    they can help you with advice, your rights, form filling and writing a letter of support for your wife.

    get your visa app right first time and make sure you reduce as much as possible any reasons they could refuse your visa app.

    but money in the bank will help.

    a budget showing you have at least £100+ a week after paying rent and the community charge.

    does your wife have a career/skill ?

    if she is refused a spouse visa, you might win an appeal on human rights grounds becuase you have a child.

    its probably not going to be easy and it could take time, but not impossible..

    let us know how you get on at cab and the law centre.

    good luck

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    hello and welcome
    i send you on your private messege just check it pls?
    I cannot see private message, please could the adim send you my email address by private message then I could see. I desperate please try to send me the message somehow.
    Thank you very much

  5. #5
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Joe... Local Law Centre as well as Citizen Advice Bureau ( CAB ) are helpful.... but nothing can't beat as Joe's advice

    Good Luck
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for your replys. Mr bloggs I am going to contact those people thanks for the advice, when you say have £100 pounds left per week what length of time should that be for? So i could borrow say £5000 and have that in the bank. I am afraid my wife has no qualifications she comes from a very small village.

    To Mr Lizaphil I cannot get access to any private message, please could you email me or could the admins forward your message onto me. I am desperate to read it.

    thanks again people

  7. #7
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    Thanks to Mr Lizaphil,
    I cannot read a private message i cannot see anything on my screen to goto , maybe because i am new member, please could you send your message to my email, I wonder if the admin can give you my email address please, i want to read your message please...
    Mr joebloggs I am afraid my wife does not have any skills she comes from very small village, I shall try to email cab and soliciter but i have trouble going out on my own so i not sure if i will visit them
    thank you very much for your replys , please write any ideas you have i need any help i can get with information.

    Thanks again

  8. #8
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    How can I get to read my private messages? I cannot see them so maybe the admin can help me out here?

  9. #9
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    Please Mr Joe bloggs could you tell me how to read the private message from Lizaphil? I sure its going to help me I cannot access it or see it,, Mr lizaphil could you send to my email address , thank you very much

  10. #10
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inlovebutstuck View Post
    Please Mr Joe bloggs could you tell me how to read the private message from Lizaphil? I sure its going to help me I cannot access it or see it,, Mr lizaphil could you send to my email address, thank you very much
    ok we will send you messege on your email just check it


  11. #11
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    Thanks a lot Lizaphil, I looked but not yet received.
    please let me know when you have sent it, i look all the time.

    if ok can admin now delete my email as lizaphil has my email address now thanks

  12. #12
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    Hello Lizaphil I dont have messenger, i got your hello but could not reply

  13. #13
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    hello again lizaphil i not yet get your email, i tryed to contact you on yahoo but i guess i got address wrong, I wonder if ginapeterb read this they maybe able to offer me advice as i found this very old one here, please could you advise?


  14. #14
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    p.s could someone who can send private messages please contact the admin and ask they remove my email address now please..
    thanks very much,,
    also when can i receive and send private messages..

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i've removed your email address now
    and good luck

  16. #16
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inlovebutstuck View Post
    Please Mr Joe bloggs could you tell me how to read the private message from Lizaphil? I sure its going to help me I cannot access it or see it,, Mr lizaphil could you send to my email address , thank you very much
    hello mr.inlovebutstuck jeff can help you about your wife applicaTION...
    and anyway,i am not mr.lizaphil
    im liza
    keep in touch

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    hello mr.inlovebutstuck jeff can help you about your wife applicaTION...
    and anyway,i am not mr.lizaphil
    im liza
    keep in touch
    Hi and thanks I am waiting for your email! Then i can start the process of visa.

    thanks a lot

  18. #18
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    Well I have rallied around and will be able to borrow 10k gbp, Does anyone know if this will be enough to get my wife the visa and do i have to wait now for 6 months with it in the bank?

    Could anyone on benifits please reply here to how they got their wife back to UK,, I saw this but cannot get a reply from the guy

    I could do with as much detail as possible please!

    Thanks for anyone that can advise.

  19. #19
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    Well an update to this is I have begged stole and borrowed the grand sum of nearly 10,000GBP, Do I now need to leave this in the bank for 6 months or can I apply now for the visa, My account only had benefits going in before...

    Also could anyone please advise who is/or was on benefits as to how to go about it with maximum chance of getting the visa, What ever happens i will be taking our son on as he will need to be starting school in next 2 years,,

    I saw this post could someone who knows the poster at the end please ask him to send me the same info he sent the poster there, i dont know how to contact him...

    any advice here would be great thanks very much all

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    1st thing to do if you haven't, get your son a British passport from the British embassy

    yes you'll need 6 months banks statements so i would put maybe £9,000 in your current account asap for the next 6 months...

    keep the other £1,000 in cash or another account, because to improve your chances more you want to show your bank balance is increasing, not decreasing over the 6 months,with the other £1k, say for the next 6 months you use £150 a month of that 2 live off, leaving the £150 a month you would have spent in your bank, so your balance will hopefully increase by at least £1k over the next 6 months..

    can you save any money or it is all gone by the end of the month ?

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i wouldn't apply now because you will have to tell them where the 10k has come from , and also do not send any statements with the £10k or any large amounts of deposits or withdrawals on. as it will look suspicious.

    so put your £9k in your bank asap, and leave it there and wait til you have 6 statements, hopefully all 6 will show £9k+ and your balance increasing..

    for the next 6 months prepare your visa app, get as much evidence of a relationship as possible, get letters and permission from who ever you rent the house from that your wife and son can live there..

  22. #22
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    Thanks for your kind words Joebloggs you are a good man! thanks very much

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    # Rented accommodation If the accommodation is privately rented, the sponsor should submit a letter from the landlord that confirms both the size of the property and his agreement that an additional occupant may take up residence there. The sponsor should also include a copy of the tenancy agreement, and the tenancy agreement should have at least six months remaining until its expiry.

    If the accommodation is owned by a local authority or council estate, a landlord's confirmation should also be obtained, but if this cannot be obtained a report from an independent surveyor which confirms the size and suitability of the premises can be submitted instead.

    so Ask your local council for a Housing Inspection for Entry Clearance, it's the only evidence of housing suitability accepted by the UKBA

    some councils do it for free, but some but some charge a fee from £50 - £200


    Overcrowding The test for determining whether or not an accommodation is overcrowded is given in the IDI's (Chapter 8, S1 annex F, paragragh 6.3). It takes the form of a table which is reproduced below. To use the table, add up the number of occupants according to the following scheme: occupants under the age of one count as zero; occupants between one and ten years of age count as one-half; and occupants over the age of 10 count as a whole person.

    Number of rooms Permitted number of persons
    1 ----------------- 2
    2 ----------------- 3
    3 ----------------- 5
    4 ----------------- 7.5
    5 ----------------- 10

    For example, a family consisting of two adults, a child aged 7, a child aged 5, and a child aged 6 months would tally as 3 persons, and would therefore require 2 bedrooms.

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    My husband was on incapacity benefit when we applied for my spousal visa. In some ways, my husband's illness is akin to yours. He also had to borrow money off his nephew to boost his savings.

    My spousal visa was granted after 5 weeks waiting. And as soon as i entered UK i was able to find a job. Now because of me working, most of my husbands benefits had been taken away by the government.

    Now I have just received my ILR. Dont lose hope. Just take one step at a time. Read the posts here. This site has helped us a lot, especially when we were putting the application and all the attachments together.

    God bless...

  25. #25
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durkhaima View Post

    My husband was on incapacity benefit when we applied for my spousal visa. In some ways, my husband's illness is akin to yours. He also had to borrow money off his nephew to boost his savings.

    My spousal visa was granted after 5 weeks waiting. And as soon as i entered UK i was able to find a job. Now because of me working, most of my husbands benefits had been taken away by the government.

    Now I have just received my ILR. Dont lose hope. Just take one step at a time. Read the posts here. This site has helped us a lot, especially when we were putting the application and all the attachments together.

    God bless...
    nope dont lose hope

    once your wife and son are here, she can find a job, also you can claim child benefit and maybe tax credits for your son.

    even if the worse comes to worse and your wife is refused, there is a good chance you will win an appeal, but prepare your visa app well first time and hopefully it will not come to that.

  26. #26
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    Thank you all so much for your advice and time in posting! It really has helped me here. Only one problem is I have a little hiccup in that i have stayed with my wife for a couple of months in the Philippines and did not tell the DSS because they would have stopped my money so I am guessing now that i will have to just keep all the pictures and stuff from our time together, I wonder if the visa people talk to the benefits people? It maybe worth me even comming off the sick just to get her back and then use the money i borrowed to live on.

    Well thanks again for your time here you are good people!

  27. #27
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    Be careful with 10K in your bank you may end up with a sizeable proportion of your benefits stopped. Not sure what savings you are allowed now to still claim benefits. Can anyone advise?

  28. #28
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovejoy View Post
    Be careful with 10K in your bank you may end up with a sizeable proportion of your benefits stopped. Not sure what savings you are allowed now to still claim benefits. Can anyone advise?
    yes i forgot about that,
    not sure if the benefits you get are effected by your savings or are means tested, a trip to CAB might help there, some benefits are effected by your savings, so you need to know how much you can have in your bank b4 it starts to effect your benefits
    so you might have to cap your savings in your bank to £5k or £7k or what ever the max limit is if any of your benefits are means tested.

    thou a quick look on the web, but find out about all the benefits you get and if they would be effected by the £10k savings...


    If you are still sick after 28 weeks, Statutory Sick Pay is usually replaced by Incapacity Benefit. It is not affected by savings or any other income that you may have, other than pensions. Usually you must have paid enough National Insurance contributions to qualify but an exception can be made if you are under 20 (or under 25 and in full time education before the age of 20)

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    Sad to say you cant hide anything from the benefits people. My husbands benefits were stopped and his situation was investigated and he was only in the Phils for 6months!!! But this happened after i entered UK.

    My advise to you is come clean as soon as possible. Let the council know and maybe they will help you.

    Sorry i forgot to ask, where are you now? Still in the Phils or are now in the UK?

  30. #30
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    Also, i think you can only keep £6k in the bank before they stop your other benefits (housing and poll tax). As for DLA or incapacity benefit youd still get them. But please check on the govt site. I speaking based only on our experience.

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