Be careful with 10K in your bank you may end up with a sizeable proportion of your benefits stopped. Not sure what savings you are allowed now to still claim benefits. Can anyone advise?
Be careful with 10K in your bank you may end up with a sizeable proportion of your benefits stopped. Not sure what savings you are allowed now to still claim benefits. Can anyone advise?
yes i forgot about that,
not sure if the benefits you get are effected by your savings or are means tested, a trip to CAB might help there, some benefits are effected by your savings, so you need to know how much you can have in your bank b4 it starts to effect your benefits
so you might have to cap your savings in your bank to £5k or £7k or what ever the max limit is if any of your benefits are means tested.
thou a quick look on the web, but find out about all the benefits you get and if they would be effected by the £10k savings...
If you are still sick after 28 weeks, Statutory Sick Pay is usually replaced by Incapacity Benefit. It is not affected by savings or any other income that you may have, other than pensions. Usually you must have paid enough National Insurance contributions to qualify but an exception can be made if you are under 20 (or under 25 and in full time education before the age of 20)
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